I propose a million person march on each of the major political conventions.
These circuses every four years have become a brazen insult to every responsible, caring, patriotic American. They are nothing but distractions, travesties to create the illusion of participation in the vital processes of governing our nation. They further disenfranchise the voting public from having any real voice. They are puppet shows. Charades.
We deserve better.
This time around, they are also an opportunity to send a message to the jokers who are wreaking havoc with our great nation, denigrating its grand traditions, manipulating for personal gain our noble experiment in self-rule, and destroying the future of our children.
One million people!
Both conventions are bolstering their security forces in anticipation of some occupiers and what they view as fringe elements. But there is no way they can deal with one million of us. They can try like hell to minimize reportage, marginalize the message, but one million very pissed off, very determined, highly disciplined marchers will not be able to be ignored or brushed aside, regardless of how they spin it.
What's the message? Here's what I think the signs should say . . .
We're tired of the games!
We're fed up with the hypocrisy!
We've had it with the excuses and deceptions!
This is what American democracy looks like. Deal with it!
One million today, one hundred million tomorrow!
Give them a preview of what's going to happen if they don't get their act together. We don't have to present them with any specific demands. They just need to know that either they change or we'll change them.
While a presence might be desirable over the full duration of each convention, I think the power and significance of this milestone march is best achieved by a show of numbers. One million should be the minimum. If we get two or three million even better.
The focus should be on getting everyone there on one specific day.
Let's set a target day for each convention:
Wednesday August 29th - One million marchers in Tampa, Florida.
Wednesday September 5th - One million marchers in Charlotte, North Carolina.
Many of you may not agree with me when I say that I think the America most of us believe in is in the very final stages of collapse. I doubt, however, that any sane person would disagree that things are a mess and our political leaders are failing us miserably.
We're not going to have many more chances like this.
One million!
[ This originated at the author's personal web site . . . http://jdrachel.com ]