Monday, April 27, 2015

Give Peace A Chance


Before the jingoistic cheer leading and Russia-hating catcalls start pouring
from the poorly informed but enthusiastically irrational peanut gallery,
let's take a moment to review a few important FACTS. Maybe FACTS are
not quite as spectacular or emotionally satisfying as burping up bilious
gas balls of MSM propaganda, but they can provide PERSPECTIVE.

During the 90s, following the dissolution of the USSR, the military flights and
air-space patrols and probing by Russia as part of their stand-off with
the West __ mirrored 24/7  by the U.S. and NATO with similar fleets of
fighters, bombers, reconnaissance planes, refueling tankers __ stopped
completely. The reconnaissance and war readiness exercises by the
Western powers, however, continued uninterrupted.

Reacting to this unbroken protraction of war readiness by the West, Russia
started up their long range bomber patrols again July and August 2007,
returned to guarding its air space and borders, keeping a sufficient
number of planes in the air to let the West know that they were not to
be permitted carte blanche superiority in the skies near Russian air

This means, for over 15 years Russia suspended a major component of the Cold
War years confrontation, taking itself completely off of a war footing.
Rather than take advantage of this historic opportunity, the West
continued, and if anything increased, its intimidation of Russia, which
by both choice and circumstance __ its empire had disintegrated and the
country itself was in dire economic straits __ tried to pursue peaceful

During the 90s Russia was understandably preoccupied with putting its house back
in order and trying to rebuild the functional framework of a nation.
With calculating deftness but in direct violation of recorded assurances
made to Russia that NATO would not move "one inch east"
of Germany __ a trade-off for Russia's quickly withdrawing its troops
from East Germany to permit an orderly, uncontested reunification of the
German nation __ NATO at the prompting of the U.S. proceeded to rapidly
expand its geographical orbit. Today it includes
Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Slovakia, Romania, Bulgaria, and Slovenia. All of these countries are considerably more than an inch east of Germany.

Then in December 2001, the U.S. announced that it was unilaterally pulling out of the ABM Treaty,
signaling that it claimed the right to now put anti-ballistic missiles
in any country in the NATO alliance. This move was unprovoked, meaning
there was no specific incident or level of tension between Russia and
the U.S. prompting such a sudden breach of the agreement, one that had
been in force since 1972. Ominously, this was the first time in U.S.
history that America had walked away from such a major agreement.

Since the U.S. at the time and for many years afterwards, claimed that the
anti-ballistic missiles were purely to prevent rogue nations like Iran
and North Korea from attacking Europe, Russia offered to become part of a
unified system of missile defense of Europe, offering its own
sophisticated missile tracking radar to the mix.

America turned down this offer from the Russians.

While there is much more, sometimes less is more.

Here less is enough.

Encapsulating . . .

NATO moves its military alliance and bases to Russia's borders. The U.S. starts
deploying ABMs near Russia's borders. The U.S. wants no part of Russian
cooperation in optimizing those systems against the "enemies".

Who is Russia to conclude is the real enemy being targeted by these ABMs?

What is Russia to conclude from the relentless move east, right up to its borders, of the military forces of NATO?

What is Russia to conclude from what appears to be a "containment" policy directed at them, currently implemented by twenty-seven major military installations, with possibly more yet to come?

Then to pour gasoline on the embers of suspicion, last year the U.S. assisted the overthrow of a democratically elected government in Ukraine, a nation with long historical ties going back centuries to Russia, located right on Russia's "underbelly".

Concurrently, a venomous anti-Russia propaganda blitz began in the West.

Everything became Russia's fault: The whole Ukraine crisis, the downing of
Malaysian Flight 17, the deaths in eastern Ukraine, the "invasion" and
of Crimea. 

About the same time, a massive campaign to demonize Putin went into high gear, initiated and aggressively promoted by the U.S. via its presstitute media __ direct personal attacks even made by
Obama, Biden, and Samantha Power at the U.N. __ and spread across the
globe, the truculence championed by England, Germany and France.

What is going on here? What does this look like to you?

I know what it looks like to me.

There is not a shred of doubt in my mind that hubris and arrogance,
that delusional imperial ambitions and diplomatic megalomania, coupled
with just plain horrible judgment has again replaced thoughtful
analysis, basic respect for the interests of other nations, and
responsible leadership. 

Many are coming to this horrifying conclusion: America wants war with Russia.

It doesn't help that some clueless imbeciles escaped their short bus ride for a
day at the Leggo Park and infiltrated our policy-making institutions,
preaching the suicidal gospel that we can win a nuclear war with Russia. They are joined by self-proclaimed political geniuses __ masters of the universe who think history is a 90s Michael Jackson album
__ proposing after consulting their Magic 8-Ball that with a few slick moves America can just topple the current government of Russia
and render the entire nation with its vast natural resources a vassal
state, ready for easy picking by America's corporate predators. I'm sure
these same Pollyannas also believe that the Russian people will welcome
America, weeping for joy, throwing bouquets before our Humvees as they
roll through Moscow Square.

America thinks it can bluster and bluff, use color revolutions to nudge Putin out of office and install some bloated puppet in his place like they did with Poroshenko in Ukraine __ though even that's far from a done deal itself.

America thinks what it says is divine truth and to hell with anyone who disagrees.

America thinks its military might and economic power confers it a special,
unassailable place in the world, a position of supreme and
unquestionable leadership and iron rule.

With these recent dealings with Russia, we're another 25 years into the
tragicomedy of our infantile machinations, self-absorbed exceptionalism,
diplomatic myopia, and sociopathic delusions of imperial grandeur. We
have engaged some of the best minds and produced some of the worst

Where do we now stand?

What do we have to show for all of this American ingenuity?

First and foremost, Cold War 2.0 is up and running full-tilt because Russia finally arrived at the inescapable conclusion that NATO is a profound military threat.

The meticulously and arduously fashioned trust and spirit of cooperation
gradually built over decades is trashed, relations between the U.S. and
Russia severely damaged for many years to come. Russia now believes all of the talk of
integration and cooperation was just lip-service, a cheap smokescreen
for America's real agenda __ destroying their country.

As accusations and hysteria prompted by old habits and grudges now take
center stage, hopeful and constructive dialogue have become drown out by
the drums of war

War fever and sabotage of peace initiatives __ mostly emanating from Washington DC __ are becoming pandemic.

The escalation of paranoia and preparation for major conflict keeps ratcheting up and up.

Trying to stop this madness is like trying to stop an avalanche with a pair of wool mittens.

We are way beyond the finger-pointing and blame-game phase. Now it's tit-for-tat
as both sides ramp up their respective militaries, each new step
bringing the situation closer to spinning completely out of control.

The Pentagon pushes for a military build-up along Russia's border. The world gets to hear General Frederick Hodges explain his no-mercy policy and lecture Europe and NATO about preparedness.  Friction develops and Russia objects as NATO continues a massive military build-up of troops in the Baltic States and other Eastern Europe NATO countries. There are U.S. paratroopers headed for Ukraine to train their army. Ukraine President, Petro Poroshenko, claims to have struck a deal will eleven EU countries to provide military weapons, including lethal ones. Great Britain deploys 30 Royal Air Force planes for Rising Panther, its largest war aerial exercises in a decade, in
response to the "Russian threat". U.S. tanks, Humvees and armored personnel carriers roll through Latvia. We have JOINT WARRIOR, a huge deployment of naval ships out of Scotland, for war game exercises. Poland is purchasing the Patriot ABM system to defend against the anticipated Russian invasion. Even the U.S. National Guard has sent twelve F-15 interceptor jets to Europe guarding against Russia.

None of this has escaped Russia's attention, so understandably they have responded with their own build-up and heightened alert status. They conducted huge rapid deployment drills
in Kaliningrad, and have deployed a new missile defense radar system
there which covers the entire Atlantic. Russia is sending advanced supersonic strategic bombers to Crimea for global training exercises, as well as re-equipping early warning radar sites in the recently annexed territory. They have also announced the launch of a new advanced missile-attack warning satellite. There have been reports of an escalating presence of Russian strategic bombers near U.S. airspace, and concern expressed by NATO at the apparently growing number of "incidents" involving Russian planes and seagoing vessels, with of course no mention of the
provocations emanating from NATO itself and its allies. Recognizing that
Russia will stand toe-to-toe with the West in the face of aggression by
NATO, U.S. troops at the front now feel "vulnerable" and want bigger, better weapons.

Through all of this, a stream of propaganda,
outright condemnation, shoddy fabrication, angry provocation, and
malicious innuendo continued to spew from President Obama,
Vice-President Biden, Secretary of State Kerry, and U.S. Ambassador to
the United Nations, Samantha Power, aided and abetted naturally by the
main stream media.

Then yesterday, as I was finishing this article, Geoffrey Pyatt, a man with a
long sleazy record of diplomatic disservice, who is currently U.S.
Ambassador to the Ukraine, was reported to have tweeted an image of Russian air defense systems,
claiming they were there in the country, when in fact the photo was
actually taken outside of Moscow two years ago at an International
Aviation and Space Show. Mr. Pyatt has thus expanded the range of his
incompetence to even being pathetic at lying __ making him more

So we now have the perfect storm:  hubris, idiocy, and paranoia.

The military one upsmanship coupled with diplomatic dysfunction is sheer madness.

I keep listening for a voice of sanity, appeals for restraint, some thoughtful analysis __ occasionally there have been a few faint whispers __ but mostly I'm hearing adolescent boys shouting at one another, as they rev up for a serious scrap in the schoolyard.

At the same time, as with most fights someone had to start it. Usually that gives us some clue who needs to stop it.

No matter what spin you put on everything I've laid out in this article, no matter
how you rationalize it, hide it behind the thin vapor of noble
without any equivocation, doubt, or splitting of hairs, it is the U.S. that has been provoking and perpetuating this extremely dangerous and counter-productive confrontation.

It's not even in America's long term interests to keep this war of nerves going.

Russia is not Zimbabwe, Iraq, or Yemen.  It's not Grenada or Haiti.

Russia is not going to be intimidated by a chest-beating schoolyard bully.

This can only end badly for the U.S., its allies, and the rest of the world.

Obama, Kerry, Biden . . . COME ON! . . . man up a little! 

Admit your mistakes.  Show some self-respect.  Let's see real leadership.

Stand up to the neocon crazies and psychopathic empire builders.

Thoughtful judgment and common sense go a long way.

Drop the arrogant posturing and cut your losses.

History will judge you more kindly.

Give peace a chance.

[ This originated at the author's personal web site . . . ]

Friday, April 17, 2015

The March To Corporate Totalitarianism


The corporate tool, self-proclaimed man of the people, defender of democracy, putative stalwart advocate of the working man and labor unions, the man who would lift the nation to a new economic era of job creation and higher wages, now heads the charge to worldwide corporate totalitarianism.

And the individuals chosen to serve the greater interests of the American
people, promote the general welfare, voice the concerns and priorities
of those who elected them, march in perfect lockstep with their deep-pocketed corporate masters calling the rhythm. 

Hut . . . two . . . three . . . four!  Stay in line you lowlife lackeys!  Hut . . . two . . . three . . . 


This reminds me of the last words of the lead character of one of my favorite fairy tales.

As the blind old man walked through the forest toward a village of cannibals, his
nose twitched and his spirits noticeably lifted. He smiled and said:

"The country fair must be right ahead. I smell barbecue!"

[ This originated at the author's personal web site . . . ]

Monday, April 13, 2015

We’ll just have to agree to agree.


Agree to disagree?

How about if we agree to agree?

Did you know that 72% of American voters want a federal minimum wage of $10.00 or more.

74% of American voters are for ending oil subsidies.

76% of American voters want to cut back on military spending.

79% of American voters want no cuts in Social Security and Medicare.

93% of American voters want labeling of GMOs in their food.

There is vast agreement that the Citizens United decision was bad for America, with 80% 
against it and 65% strongly opposing it.

In a very recent poll, 68% of voters said that taxes on the wealthy should be increased.

I was very surprised, considering the stream of anti-Iran invective issuing from Congress, 
that 61% of Americans think we should do everything we can to cement the recent deal on
monitoring and controlling development of nuclear technology by Iran, as
opposed going to war, as is being promoted by Israel, Saudi Arabia, and
a rabid core of saber-rattling warmongers here in the U.S.

Glancing at the headlines, the constant stream of partisan yelling, social
turmoil, reports of widespread anger, mistrust, alarm and frustration,
you would never know that on many extremely crucial issues, there is
such a broad range of consensus among us normal, sane folks. You know
the people I'm talking about __ real people who have better things to do
than rail at everything and hate everyone in sight.

I'm not a conspiracist. But it sometimes seems as if a certain minority of
self-absorbed miscreants, who don't agree with the majority of decent
people in our country, decided to mangle and manipulate the
conversation. They seem bent on keeping things stirred up, making sure
we don't have a civil, constructive exchange of ideas, try to work out
our differences, then join together to move things in a good, positive

It's as if they intentionally mislead and misinform us.

By keeping us divided, they control us . . . making it easy to get their own way.

This is nothing new to other countries who view America as the greatest threat to world peace, as a source of chaos, a force not for unity and order but mayhem and disarray.

What we are beginning to recognize within our borders is what the world has for a long time observed outside of them.

They see an America which wantonly uses its military and economic power to muck things up, keep people scrambling, divided, confused, desperate. They watch in horror and fear as we destroy entire nations, killing hundreds of thousands of innocent people, and then claim we're safer now because those countries are in shambles and no longer organized enough to stand up to us, oppose our policies, our exploitation, our callous bullying.

Is this what we want?

Surely we don't really want to live in a nation that is at war with itself
and everyone else. That's not the America we believe in . . . that we
care about . . . that we're proud of . . . the America we hope to hand down to future generations.

We can agree on that, can't we?

I'd say that's a good start.

Let's agree to agree.

Go from there.

[ This originated at the author's personal web site . . . ]

Monday, April 6, 2015

Billionaire Club

Does anybody remember when Ted Turner gave away $1 billion of his vast earnings to the U.N.?

How much is a billion dollars?

If you're like me, all those zeroes start to blur. I have a real problem grasping wealth of such scale.

Maybe this will put it in perspective . . .

If you were to spend $10,000 a day, it would take 274 years to go through a billion dollars.

To spend the Koch brothers incomprehensible fortune at $10,000 per day, it would take almost 28,000 years __ it would be 29,394 C.E. when you finished your shopping spree.

Spending one million dollars a day, it would take 214 years to go through the monumental wealth of Gates, and he ended up asking you to borrow a few bucks for bus fare.

There are 2,325 billionaires in America.

There are more than 43 million people living below the poverty line in America today __ which, by the way, shockingly translates to nearly 1 out of every 5 children.

There are 400 unfathomably wealthy people in America who have more money and property than the 150,000,000 individuals in the bottom half of our population.

The .000133% vs. 50%!

Wealth inequality as a scandal and appalling affront to what America is supposed to stand for, lately appears to be taking a backseat in the national conversation, quickly replaced by
catastrophes du jour in the ever-evolving parade of misery and chaos.

But since it undermines the entire premise of our democracy, and shreds the basic
fabric of a society based on fairness and equal opportunity, we must keep it in the forefront of public debate, particularly with the all-important
2016 presidential election coming up fast.

It doesn't look promising. We have flat-Earth Ted Cruz talking like a Rip Van Winkle who just awoke from a nap he started in the 2nd Century. Everyone's concerned about Hillary's
emails when they should be worried about her warmongering and blind
allegiance to the agenda of multinational corporations. Of course, none
of us can sleep nights until we find out where Jeb Bush gets his news, if it's not the New York Times. 

Elizabeth Warren talks the talk but refuses to run for president. Bernie Sanders is out in front of the wealth inequality debate but he's been marginalized, being a socialist and all.

But I remain optimistic. Miracles are possible. Americans are more frustrated
than ever. They still remember the most famous meme in recent history __
the 1% vs. the 99%.

With wealth inequality accelerating, nothing less than the survival of the nation is at stake, demanding that we address this crisis before America turns into a medieval fiefdom or a 3rd World banana republic.

It's certainly my hope that I won't be writing about this again in five years.

But if I do, it'll be titled . . . Trillionaire Club.

[ This originated at the author's personal web site . . . ]



The moonwalk makes it appear that a person is heading forward while actually moving backwards.

Now that Michael Jackson sadly is no longer with us, his phenomenal mastery and performance of the moonwalk has been replaced by the U.S. economy.

We all hear the loud trumpeting by the usual suspects and the President himself about how the economy is recovering and how we're heading for a brighter future.

But . . .

Since 1970, the annual earnings of the median prime-aged male have fallen by 28%.

Since 2008, the population of the U.S. has increased by 16,800,000 people, but the total number of full-time jobs has decreased by 140,000.

Since 2009, the number of Americans who are not a part of the work force has increased from 80.5 to 92.9 million.

With 62.7% of the population constituting the nation's labor force February of this year, we are looking at the lowest level of participation in the job market since March 1978. 

The U.S. Census Bureau reports: "In 2013, real median household income was 8.0% lower than 2007." Moreover, this was 8.7% lower than in its peak year, 1999.

Since 1973, the number of people in the U.S. living in poverty has doubled, going from 23 million to over 46 million.

Since 1970, the percentage of prime age men in the work force has declined from 94% to 81%,
an alarming drop which runs counter to demographic expectations. It's
not just old folks retiring. It's young people unable to find work.

While the total wealth of the nation continues to make impressive gains, the median American household saw its total assets fall by 36% since 2003.

From over 13% in the early 70s, the saving rate for Americans recently has plunged to around 4%. There's simply not much left to put away these days, after expenses eat up wages that effectively have been flat since 1995.

Income earned from working a full-time minimum-wage job __ adjusted for inflation to equate to 2014 dollars __ declined from $22,000 in 1968 to its current level of less than $15,000 per year. 

Income inequality has become the hot new topic. The U.S. was once considered a model
throughout the world for fairness and the equitable distribution of its
enormous wealth. That is becoming a distant memory.

Between 1979 and 2007, while for the top 1% cumulative change in real capital income increased to 309.3%, for the middle class it actually decreased to -17.3%.

While in 1976, the richest 1% only took home about 9% of the enormous wealth generated by our country, by 2012 they were hauling in 24% of the nation's annual earnings.

According to the analysis of economists Emmanuel Saez and Gabriel Zucman writing at the London School of Economics, 160,000 families in America now own as much wealth as the nation's poorest 145 million families.

While the vast majority of Americans have not recovered from the devastation of
their savings, the drop in value of their homes (if they still have a
home), and whatever else they lost in the crash of 2008, the rich did
quite well.  95% of the gains that have accrued in the gradual economic
rebound over the past several years have gone to the wealthiest 1%.

In the mid-80s, there still existed a thriving middle class. The bottom
90% of Americans claimed ownership of over 36% of the national wealth.
That has fallen to 23% and now the top .1% owns as much as that bottom 90%.

As $30 trillion of new wealth was being generated between 2007 and 2014, and the 115,000 households which comprise the wealthiest .1% were increasing their annual earnings by an average of $10 million per year, the number of children on food stamps grew from 9.5 to 16 million __ a
surge of almost 70% __ and as they counted their pocket change on any
given frigid night in January . . . 138,000 of those kids were homeless.

There are those who seem to think that somehow this represents progress.

Moonwalk anyone?

[ This originated at the author's personal web site . . . ]