Sunday, April 30, 2017

An Open Letter to Dennis Kucinich on Peace in a Military State

I have talked to Dennis on the phone but it's been a while.  He personally sent me a copy of this speech.  Here's what I have to say about it -- an open letter.  I hope he gets it.


As is true to form, your speech is breathtaking in its scope and packed with everything we need to know about what is wrong with America's embrace of aggression and militarism.

Since I have nothing to lose, and you have everything to gain from my unsolicited critique, I'll just give it to you straight with both barrels.

Like EVERYTHING I see coming out of brilliant, recognized, widely-admired peace proponents like yourself, your message lacks TWO VITAL, GAME-CHANGING COMPONENTS . . .
  1.  It doesn't speak to the masses, the 200 million Americans we need to reach to turn things around.
  2. It offers no decisive solution to the gravest threat in the history of the world -- America's out-of-control military and addiction to war.
It's easy from the "inside" of the peace movement to think our message is valid and powerful.  It is valid in every respect, but unfortunately fails to persuade.  It fails to even get noticed by the vast majority of Americans.  The people we need to reach may not even know who Dennis Kucinich is, they're so dumbed-down and brainwashed.  They certainly don't know who Gareth Porter or David Swanson are.  So everything you well-meaning, articulate folks say is preaching to the choir.

Why do we need these people?  You said it yourself.  While you were in Congress, you made proposals, you argued, you reasoned, you made deals.  What happened?  You were brushed aside like dandruff.  Then you were railroaded out of Congress.

I don't know how you read this, but I know what the correct reading is.  THESE ASSHOLES WILL NEVER LISTEN!  THEY WILL NEVER EMBRACE PEACE!

Therefore . . .

THEY MUST BE REPLACED!  There has to be almost a clean sweep of Congress or the march to war and annihilation will continue.

THAT'S why we need 200 million people on our side.  It's that simple.

Are you offended yet?  Are you still reading this?

SO . . . any speech, any strategy, any campaign on behalf of peace, which does not include, 1) a message for the masses, and 2) a decisive strategy for removing the warmongers from power, will fail.  As long as the peace movement continues to delude itself about this, it will continue to go backwards.

I'm exhausted trying to get you to look at my Peace Dividend idea.  Thank goodness, a brilliant, passionate activist just made the case for me.  Here's John R. Hall's very recent article at The Greanville Post:

Please read it.  Think about it.  I sincerely hope you want to talk more about this.  I'm still available.

You have my number.

John Rachel


The Peace Dividend: The Most Controversial Proposal in the History of the World is now available both as an ebook and deluxe paperback at many of the usual outlets . . .

Amazon (Kindle) / US . . .
Amazon (Print) / US . . .
Amazon (Kindle) / Canada . . .
Amazon (Kindle) / Japan . . .
Barnes & Noble . . .
Kobo (Indigo) . . .
Apple iTunes . . .
Smashwords . . .
Direct from printer . . .

[ This originated at the author's personal website . . . ]

An Open Letter to Dennis Kucinich on Peace in a Military State

Friday, April 28, 2017

Gay Whales

"We're aware of the situation.  We've got the Coast Guard working this.  The best coast guard in the world!  These guys are top notch.  Great men, every one of them!  And we're looking at an armada of America's best fighting ships and nuclear submarines to take them out, if they don't get with the program.  God bless our military!  The greatest military in the world.  I just love them to death!"
This was President Donald Trump's reply to a Fox News reporter's question during a visit by local area school children to the White House Rose Gardens, about the latest recent, completely unexpected crisis.

Oceanographers and marine biologists from the Department of Advanced Environmental Studies at Trump University had just yesterday announced some startling findings.

Apparently, starting the day after Trump's inauguration as president, there has been an enormous spike in the number of gay whales seen swimming off the coastal waters of the continental United States.  Calling it sheer coincidence, these same authorities stated unequivocally that there is absolutely no causal connection that can be attributed to the president himself or his administration for this bizarre phenomenon.


A few hours later in a separate announcement made by White House Press Secretary, Sean Spicer, media representatives were informed that emergency follow-up studies are set to immediately begin to determine if this surge of whale gayness also afflicts Hawaii and the waters off the coast of Alaska.

Caroline Kennedy, U.S. Ambassador to Japan, has also scheduled a meeting with Japanese Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe, to enlist the expertise of local scientists to determine if there have been any similar sightings of whale fudge-packers in the Sea of Japan.  Japan has a veritable army of highly credible whale experts, who undoubtedly will be able to shed some light on this troubling development.

The real concern in this mounting crisis was expressed by an unnamed high-ranking official in the Department of Education, who reputedly received his training, expertise, and sensitivity in the sphere of family values, as a corporate raider with Goldman Sachs:  "Summer is coming, which means time at the beach.  We sure can't have young children exposed to the kind of thing that these gay whales do -- whatever that is -- with their wild abandon to hedonistic coupling, showing no regard for common decency.  This is truly offensive in the extreme.  It is shamelessly un-American."


Now that whale gayness is acknowledged as an attack on American values, it has stirred up quite a few members of Congress.  Calls for a complete investigation are gathering tremendous support, driven by speeches on the floor of the Senate just today by senators John McCain and Marco Rubio.  It will focus on possible Russian involvement in the horrifying shift in sexual preferences among large mammals.  Can we expect to see a corresponding escalation in coming out parades of pink elephants?  Gay hippo same sex mud parties?  Gay gorillas?

Whew!  It just never ends.  If it's not one thing, it's another, eh?

I remember back in the 90s seeing a bumper sticker . . .

Nuke the gay whales!

I thought it was pretty funny at the time.


But it's no longer a joking matter.  It's now the newest battle cry in President Trump's noble struggle to make America great again.

So whatever you do, folks . . . don't laugh.

It's not funny.  Not at all.  Not one bit.

God bless America!

[ This originated at the author's personal website . . . ]

Gay Whales

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Mobilization Without Method Is Meaningless


Everyone knows this expression:  There was method to his madness.

What does it mean?  It means that regardless of how crazy the person acted, no matter how much he appeared to be nuts, behind that facade there was a solid plan, and that plan presumably resulted in successfully achieving what he set out to achieve.

It is this sense of 'method' I'm referring to in the title of this essay.

If there is any doubt about my message, here it is:  To mobilize people behind any cause, regardless of how worthy that cause is, regardless of how intrinsically appealing it may be to get these folks marching, singing, chanting, shouting for that cause, if there is no clear strategy which targets an equally clear and obvious outcome, with a realistic expectation that the strategy will achieve that outcome, then the mobilization is a waste of time.

I didn't say it wasn't fun or satisfying.  I didn't say it didn't have notable and perhaps positive collateral effects.  But I am saying that anyone who thinks that mobilization is some guarantee of making substantial change and achieving desired reforms is surely kidding themselves.

This is why, despite being the biggest mass movement in recent history, OWS completely failed.  Spokespersons for OWS will say it didn't fail at all, because it had no preconceived agenda or goals.  But that is a frivolous cop out.  By the time OWS went international and 'occupy' was attached to everything from towns to shopping malls, labor unions, and even Facebook, there was certainly a goal.  It may not have appeared on any official documents, but that was because as an experiment in unstructured, horizontal command-and-control, married to spontaneous democratic expression, any attempt at formalizing anything at all was discouraged and successfully thwarted.

Nevertheless, it was evident to everyone who watched the marches, read the protest signs, listened to the speeches, or was constantly bombarded by the most successful, ubiquitous meme to erupt in colloquial English in the last five decades -- the 1% vs the 99% -- exactly what all of the brouhaha was about.

In the broader sense, it was about the ruling class -- the 1% -- forcing its elitist world view and self-serving agenda on everyone else -- the 99% -- using their privilege and raw power to callously and ruthlessly turn everyday people into serfs.

In a more specific sense, it was about overwhelming, abusive, and anti-democratic wealth inequality.  It was hardly random that the movement was started in the heart of America's financial district and the anger and vilification was directed at incomprehensibly wealthy investment bankers and Wall Street high-rollers.

Of course, any thoughtful exploration of these two parallel themes -- monopoly on power and obscene accumulation of wealth -- would naturally conclude that they are inextricably related and mutually reinforcing.  Not that there was much analysis going on.  The OWS protests were pretty much an 'it's-us-against-them' affair, with lots of noise and bluster, but with absolutely nothing remotely resembling a grab for power anywhere in sight.

Thus, in terms of specific demands, it was quite common for news commentators to ask:  What do the protestors want?

This was a legitimate if mostly rhetorical question.  As a matter of record, there were no actual demands aired by the movement, much less tacit undercurrents of a coup d'etat.

There weren't any coherent demands, no specific policy proposals, not even obvious ones.  It wouldn't have been out of place, as an example, to at least talk about GBI -- guaranteed basic income -- as a conspicuous path to begin addressing the grotesque level of wealth inequality.

There were no hard and fast calls for student debt forgiveness, free college education, mortgage default relief, capping credit card interest rates, free access to universal health care, and a host of other palliatives which would have somewhat reduced the wealth gap.

This is not a criticism of OWS or anyone who bobbled up, even if temporarily, from the rank-and-file to take credit -- or blame, depending on where you stand in judgment -- for what happened.  OWS was an intriguing and inspiring new experiment in activism, which attempted to skirt the usual pitfalls of hierarchical, top-down organization.  It was what it was, and I believe should be respected for that.
But that doesn't prevent us from learning from it, and taking every precaution to not make the same mistakes again.

If you're going to assemble a mob, give them something to do.

Give them something which will make a substantial and decisive difference.

Camaraderie is a good thing.  It's a social high.  Feeling like you're part of something offers relief from a sense of isolation and helplessness.

But it's only a feeling.  It's not politics.  Politics is about power.  Only power can confront power.
After the marches are done, after the protest signs are put away, when we're in our cars or on buses headed back home, we always need to ask ourselves:  Do we now have power to implement the changes we want?

If the answer is 'no', then we didn't have an effective plan.

The best time for an effective plan is BEFORE we hit the streets, before we march and sing our songs, before we waste valuable time and energy in a frustrating and fruitless attempt to get those NOW IN POWER to do anything for us.  Asking the the ruling elite and their lapdogs in our governing institutions to listen to our demands and serve our interests is like asking a carjacker to be sure and wash our automobile and return it in the morning with a full tank.

Here comes my plug:  I have an end-to-end plan, a carefully-crafted strategy for engaging a broad base of U.S. citizens, uniting them into an overwhelming voting bloc, directed at stopping America's out-of-control militarism and endless wars of aggression.

You can get a general idea here:  The Peace Dividend

Next time we march for peace, we'll know where we're headed and how to get there.

At least, that's the hope that gets me from day to day in these insane times.


The Peace Dividend: The Most Controversial Proposal in the History of the World is now available both as an ebook and deluxe paperback at many of the usual outlets . . .

Amazon (Kindle) / US . . .
Amazon (Print) / US . . .
Amazon (Kindle) / Canada . . .
Amazon (Kindle) / Japan . . .
Barnes & Noble . . .
Kobo (Indigo) . . .
Apple iTunes . . .
Smashwords . . .
Direct from printer . . .

[ This originated at the author's personal website . . . ]

Mobilization Without Method Is Meaningless

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

The Peace Dividend: Some Perspective

I'm addressing this article to the "professional left" and to the typically white middle-class point-and-click political activists who are at the insular core of today's peace movement.  They do keep trying -- we give them all the much-deserved credit for that -- yet keep doing the same things over and over -- wash, rinse, repeat -- never pausing to look objectively at how ineffective they're being.

[ Insert Einstein's definition of insanity here. ]

Despite a slight surge of street protests since Trump ascended the throne -- largely not specific to peace -- the peace movement is essentially going backwardsMissives vital for the survival of the human race are not being heard because the folks currently advocating peace: 1) are drowned out by a militarized war-hungry media; 2) are mumbling worn out messages, rehashing stale slogans, pushing boring clichés, reciting sound bites that should have been retired when disco stopped being the rage; and 3) are lacking necessary focus, mojo and momentum.

It's a veritable cacophonous roar out there these days.  If what's being trumpeted is not pitch perfect and outrageously spectacular, it's just more white noise in the din.

To get people to pay attention, you need to get their attention.  That means fresh, exciting new ideas; galvanizing calls to action; relevant, achievable payoffs.  The peace movement can't survive anymore on high fives, or peace sign t-shirts and bumper stickers.  People just aren't buying the old tropes.

Mind you, when I talk about 'people', I'm talking about tens of millions of people.  I am talking about creating a true 'people's movement' of 'people power', not just a marginal slice of the population which happens to have a lot of time on its hands.  This unified bloc can change everything, especially if it is fashioned into a voting bloc.


I'm talking about the 'people power' of the bottom 160 million Americans who are hurting much more than you and I, much more than anyone who has the time and luxury of participating in marches and bake sales for peace, sit-ins, teach-ins, or online petitions.  These folks are struggling and are those whose lives are most devastated by our war economy and pursuit of empire.

THESE FOLKS ARE FRUSTRATED, ANGRY, BEGGING FOR A COHERENT SOLUTION TO THEIR MISERY.  They live paycheck-to-paycheck, day-to-day, just trying to survive.  Am I imagining all of this?  I direct you to the orange imbecile sitting in the Oval Office.  The folks I'm talking about put him there.  You don't think they can make a difference in the political direction of the country?  You don't think they can be mobilized?  You better guess again.

This is the principal reason why my Peace Dividend initiative targets Trump voters, the very same folks who are becoming increasingly disillusioned with the orange demagogue, as he blithely now jettisons the campaign promises he made to get their votes.  With the unfolding Mad Hatter military confrontations in the Middle East and North Korea, the risky intimidation of Russia and China, the increasing likelihood of WWIII, and growing potential for nuclear annihilation, the urgency is obvious: We need EVERYONE on board!

The Trump supporters are, as they say, low hanging fruit.  And there's a lot of fruit.

By design the Peace Dividend strategy is about reaching HUGE NUMBERS of politically marginalized, dispossessed, previously ignored -- until Trump came along -- voters.  The Peace Dividend talks their language, their needs, addresses their immediate concerns and growing rage with the system.  And it does it honestly!  Everything in my proposal is based on available data, most of it directly from government sources and speeches by our elected officials.  I've taken the official data and the promises, just reconfigured it, reinterpreted it, refashioned it, turned it into a weapon to take apart the military machine.  It's completely legal, it's in the best traditions of our alleged democracy, it's completely consistent with the Constitution, in fact, it even reinforces much of what our leadership has stated in the past -- Google 'peace dividend 1992’ -- at a time they found that particular version of reality politically expedient.

Most of the folks in the bottom half of the economy are not going to have PhDs in Political Science.  We will confront some big differences of opinion, demeanor, vocabulary, basic courtesy, open-mindedness, instincts, mutual respect.  It's a rough crowd.  Many will be racist, homophobic, superstitious, ultra-religious, misinformed, and just plain ignorant.


Granted, it would be nice to try to work out our differences in world view, our political philosophies, our sense of where the nation should be headed.  But with the crisis we face right now, we don't have that luxury. We must act immediately to stop the military madness, the march to war, the complete takeover of the country and its political and economic institutions by the menacing and deranged neocon/neoliberal junta.  The Peace Dividend is a battle cry, it is a call to action to 200 million Americans to DO SOMETHING, TO ACT NOW, before it's too late -- if it isn't already.  It gives concerned citizens something specific they can do, starting today.

Moreover, as facts on the ground now alarmingly demonstrate, there is no longer much room for conversation.  Effective, unbiased reporting has been abolished, public dissent increasingly is being squashed.  More devastatingly, talk has become so cheapened, most of the people we need to reach, don't want any more talk.  THEY WANT ACTION!

It's easy to blame Trump for the deterioration of the national conversation, relegating it to empty nonsensical utterances and abrupt Tweets.  But let's be honest.  This degradation has been in the works for a long time and had a good head start long before he took office.

That's neither here nor there.  Here's what we need to keep in focus.


As Trump's neoliberal/neocon assault troops continue to wreak havoc -- picture coming military conflicts and the inevitable crash of the economy this year or next -- the masses will be singularly outraged, hungry for REAL ACTION.  They will be crying both for heads to roll and for something to be done.  All of the necessary incentives will be there to get them on board with constructive activism.

The Peace Dividend offers a simple, direct, decisive plan of action.  It's as simple as voting.

You've seen how it forces a total transformation of the federal budget.

You've seen how it can engineer a complete changing of the guard.

This is our chance for a non-violent coup d'tat.  We need to be prepared.  We can't squander this opportunity by being safe or boring.  We must be bold and decisive, yet affable and receptive, sensitive and sensible.  We need to listen, then talk to others in their language, on their terms.  We must play down differences, seek understanding, unite in a common purpose.  Most of all, we need to welcome everyone who shows the slightest interest.  We need everyone on board to defeat a determined and ruthless enemy . . .

A bloodthirsty military and their ruling class puppet masters.

[ This originated at the author's personal website . . . ]

The Peace Dividend: Some Perspective

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Clouds of Pollen in the Spring

"The awareness is spreading like clouds of pollen in the spring."

That was a comment I made on a progressive website about the worldwide demonstrations, street protests, and rallies celebrating this year's Earth Day.

I must confess that until two weeks ago I had a highly prejudiced understanding and appreciation of pollen.  I associated it with red, runny noses, puffy, squinting eyes, an annual epidemic of misery among a sizeable chunk of the population.  This limited and highly negative view was shaped by thousands of ads for over-the-counter remedies which had been embedded in my brain, probably from my first days of watching TV as a child.

Of course, a little basic biology is a powerful corrective.  We find that pollen is the delivery mechanism of male sperm cells for plants.  Pollination is about reproduction.  It's how vast landscapes are turned into breathtaking fields of flowering plants, a floral explosion that here in Japan transforms the whole country into a beautiful garden stretching sea to sea.

My awakening, however, did not come from a text book.  It came -- as is quite common these days -- from my lovely and truly brilliant Japanese wife.


Masumi and I were on our way to an outdoor market in a nearby town.  It was at the peak of the cherry blossom season.  Cherry blossoms here are not confined to parks or community malls.  Tens of thousands of cherry blossom trees line roads, rivers, canals, and crisscross fields of rice and other crop plantings.  It's absolutely spectacular.

However, I mentioned casually to her that is seemed a little hazy that day.  We're downwind from the China mainland, which hosts many coal-fed power plants, heavy-industry factories, and the like, so I just assumed it was the usual dust and smoke blowing our way from our Chinese neighbor.

"No, that's pollen," explained Masumi.  She directed my gaze to the face of a forested mountain we were passing.  There was a huge puff of what appeared to be smoke, but not really the color of smoke, or the way smoke looks rising from burning debris.  No, it was a cloud of pollen, which was being released in that section of the forest, I assume from the floral undergrowth beneath the trees.
Thus began my quick education and new respect for pollen.  That cloud was the promise for the continuing regeneration of the awe-inspiring bouquet we and others across Japan were now enjoying.

Okay.  I believe in balanced reporting.  So let me explore the other side of this story.

Some folks are allergic to pollen.  Those ads for over-the-counter remedies turn their misery into cold, hard cash for the manufacturers of these palliatives.  Point taken.


But there are others who don't have this excuse.  These are folks who choose to seal themselves up in an artificial cocoon, stare at flat-panel displays, thus have no idea about clouds of pollen, pollination, flowers, or anything that doesn't conflate with living under artificial light, being captive of a hermetically sealed environment; no concept of a reality which doesn't adhere to and reify the rules of commerce and commodification of everything.  This is the model embraced by an economy-fixated society, which exclusively views humans as components of monetary mechanisms, consequently only values them as producers and/or consumers. 

I would surmise the notion of beauty for such champions of greed is skyrocketing returns on investments and a bulging portfolio of winning stocks.  I seriously doubt either of those has much of a fragrance though I may have on occasion heard someone say: "That person smells of money."
For these individuals, flowers are "beautiful" depending on how marketable they are and what sort of profits they produce.  With no sense of irony, they would deem the distress of those allergy sufferers as an opportunity to turn a profit.  The more misery these folks have to endure, the better the prospects for some fat returns on pharmaceutical stocks.

We're told that this is the new way to look at the world.  Those old valuations -- meaning just the basic use of our senses, and gauging the world around us by the joy and delight we feel in our hearts -- are passé, and have been replaced by the new tools of capitalism, the free market, and the now dominant neoliberal paradigm.

Yet, the Earth day protests and celebrations convincingly offered a very different message.  That message was loud and unambiguous.  Treating the Earth as a factory for man-made goods, narrowing the contribution of human beings to merely producing and consuming those goods, subjecting everything from happiness and love to the value of a human life, only to the metrics of economic worth, reducing all of the potential for human creativity, ingenuity, compassion, nobility, vision, altruism, excellence, and achievement, to mere numbers on a spread sheet, is suffocating the human race, exterminating the human family, eviscerating the human spirit, and destroying the planet.

I've made my choice.  It took me a while to come around.

I'll take my chances with the clouds of pollen.

[ This originated at the author's personal website . . . ]

Clouds of Pollen in the Spring

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Dealing With A Serial Liar

There's a special place in the world for people who constantly lie to others -- decent folks who trust and rely on them to do the right thing. 

There is a special place in the world for people who constantly lie to others -- who dupe decent but naive folks, who trust them and rely on them to do the right thing.  (See photo above.)

You see, career politicians lie and lie.  They eventually have no idea they're lying, because they have no idea anymore what the truth is.  And they've gotten to the point where they don't care.  Everyone knows politicians lie.  It's part of the job description. They only stop lying when they take a break to think up new lies.  They say exactly what they need to say.  To get the job done.  They do know what they need to do -- what job needs to get done.  But you probably don't.

Because they lie about it.

Lies can be spotted.  There are key phrases -- red flags -- we can watch for.  Here is a list of them. When you hear a politician say any of these, everything which follows is a lie:

“Trust me when I say . . .”
“I sincerely believe . . .”
“The American people want . . .”
“There is no doubt that . . .”
“I’m proud to announce . . .”
“Thanks for that kind introduction!”
“Good evening!”
“Good afternoon!”
“I’m honored to be here!”
“How are you?”

The Nuremberg Tribunal of 1946 declared that crimes against peace are "the supreme international crime, differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole." 

I would make a parallel assessment.  Lying is the supreme personal crime, differing from other offensive personal behavior in that it contains within itself the accumulated potential for all other offensive, even criminal, behavior.  When a person lies to you, the gateway for every other possible abuse is flung wide open.  Humiliation, treachery, sexual abuse, theft, embezzlement, libel, slander, even murder.  Would you trust a liar around your children?  Would you trust a liar with your house keys?  Would you even trust a liar to watch your things while you went to the restroom?

My previous blog dealt with how not to deal a with serial killer.

It contains an important lesson.

Understand . . .

Serial killers and career politicians are very similar.

They both have us at their mercy.  They both have the power of life and death over us.

They don't play by the same rules as you and I.  They are ruthlessly amoral. There may be exceptions to this.  But as anomalies, these only confirm the rule.

They both have value systems which exclusively serve their own needs.  The only value the serial killer places on human life is the kick he gets from terminating the lives of others.  It's about a brutal hedonism and personal power.

The only value career politicians place on the trust and loyalty of their constituents, is how it serves to secure their prestigious jobs in the national limelight, and positions them best serve their deep-pocketed ruling class patrons.  It's about job security and personal power.  All else is subordinate and thus entirely irrelevant.

In my previous blog, I described in nauseating detail what the serial killer of my narrative did to his victims.

Then I described the idiotic, completely lame, totally ineffective things a community did to try to stop the gruesome violence.  Maybe the folks meant well, but they were entirely out of touch with reality to think any of it would be effective.

At this point you ask:  What's your point, John Rachel?  Is this supposed to be funny?  Actually it's pretty twisted!

Well, it is twisted.  But it's twisted on a lot of levels.  Not only is the killer clearly twisted, but apparently our cerebral cortex is too, if we actually believe that any of the measures outlined -- regardless of how commonly heralded they might be -- could possibly work.  Apparently, all too often our minds are gripped by a covert confusion where form and substance are conflated into a toxic brew of false hope and ridiculous expectations.

'We have to do something!' subliminally becomes a license to do a lot of stuff which has no hope of succeeding but temporarily satisfies the anxious goading of desperation and guilt.

My point is that all of the chosen methods to stop the killer were obviously a total waste of energy and time.  What incentive is there in any of the tactics for the killer to end his orgy of violence?  He loves killing and mutilating people!  He doesn't care what others think or how much suffering it causes.  This is how he gets his jollies.  Dead bodies are his reward! 

There's only one option:  He must be eliminated.  He must be taken out of circulation!

And this is precisely the way we deal with our current coven of elected officials.

I'm not suggesting assassination.  All I'm saying that if we want things to get better, these pay-for-play politicians -- serial liars -- who are puppets to Wall Street, investment banks, transnational corporations; who've let our country be stolen by a wealthy ruling elite; who have demonstrated time and time again they will never truly represent the interests and needs of their constituents . . . MUST BE REMOVED FROM POWER.



We've had enough abuse.  We've been victimized too long.  No more lies.

Regime change in Congress in November 2018!

CC_eBook Cover_Final_200x300 

"Candidate Contracts: Taking Back Our Democracy" was published June of 2015 and is available worldwide from all the usual suspects:

Amazon (Kindle)  . . .
Amazon (Print) . . .
Apple (iTunes) . . .
Barnes & Noble . . .
Indigo (Kobo) . . .
Smashwords . . .
Direct from printer . . .


"Fighting for the Democracy We Deserve" was published September of 2015 and also is available both in every popular ebook format and as a deluxe paperback:

Amazon (Kindle) . . .
Amazon (Print) . . .
Apple (iTunes) . . .
Barnes & Noble . . .
Indigo (Kobo) . . .
Smashwords . . .
Direct from printer . . .

[ This originated at the author's personal website . . . ]

Dealing With A Serial Liar

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Dealing With A Serial Killer

There's a serial killer loose in town.  Eight to ten people a month have been murdered over the past several years.  They're dropping like flies!

Well, they're not actually dropping like flies.  Flies usually fall on their backs, their legs do this happy feet dance, they expire with little fanfare or ritual, then dry up and blow away.

On the other hand . . .

This homicidal monster has some strange fetishes. He ends a person's life immediately by driving an axe in the face, then cuts the dead body into various size chunks.  The entrails he drapes in trees around town, the finely-carved fillets of flesh from the meatier parts of the body -- thighs, calves, arms, backs and stomachs if there's a nice balance between fat and muscle -- are fed to stray dogs by tossing them in alleys around town.  More delicate parts -- eyes, ears, lips, tongues, genitals -- are stuffed into bubble mailers and arrive in mailboxes in the nicer neighborhoods. They're marked 'Something Special Just For You'.  Finally the bones are stacked on the hoods of parked police cruisers.

It's a horrifying, gruesome mess that has pushed the entire community to near insanity.

So . . . what do you do?

I got it!

You put an ad in the local paper:  Stop killing people! We don't like it!

You get people together for marches.  They go through the business district during the busiest hour of the day carrying protest signs, chanting anti-serial killing slogans, and singing Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall.

You sell t-shirts that say:  "Serial killing is bad for humans and other living things!"

You get experts on TV talking about how the killing really should stop, how the violence and fear is tearing the community apart, what bad effects this has on the kids growing up in this type of environment.  There's unanimity on all the panels discussing this.  No one comes out in favor of serial killing.

We mount a campaign to send emails to the serial killer -- don't ask me how but somehow we got hold of his AOL email address -- and his In box is flooded to capacity with messages decrying his butchery:  'People are really upset. You're a sick man!'  'Burn in Hell, MF!'  'What is wrong with you? Don't you know killing is bad?'

We call his office -- again, don't ask me how we got his phone number but we did, he has an office somewhere in the city -- morning, noon, and night.  It's organized through the Code Blue Mothers Against Murder ad hoc committee, and 800 to 1,000 calls a day pour in to his office.  Every once in a while, we get a live person.  Boy, do we give her an earful!  But usually, we get an automatic answering device with a menu:  If you're against serial killing, please press #1.  If you're for serial killing, please press #2.  If you wish to speak personally to a member of our staff, just stay on the line and someone will be with you shortly [ bleep click ] Expected wait time to answer your call 2 hours and 15 minutes.

We set up a Town Hall Meeting.  It's attended by thousands of angry, concerned citizens and they can't all fit into the high school gymnasium where it's being held.  The serial killer appears on a video screen -- with his hockey goalie mask on, of course -- and people vent and express their outrage.  When things calm down a bit, people ask questions and plead with the serial killer.  He explains he has difficulty controlling his temper, but he says he can see people are upset, so he'll try harder.

There are no killings for a week.  Then they start up again.

So finally, we pull out the big gun.  Yes . . . a petition!

We circulate a petition both in person on the streets, and online -- it's up on and Avaaz.  We get tens of thousands of signatures!  In fact everyone -- well, everyone who hasn't been murdered yet -- signs it.  Our signature drive is a complete success. 

Yessiree!  We've really got this psycho by the balls!

Now we wait.

For some reason the killing hasn't stopped.  Three more this week.

Where did we go wrong?


[ This originated at the author's personal website . . . ]

Dealing With A Serial Killer

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Peace Dividend Candidates


We need to get every candidate running for federal office in 2018 on board.

The Peace Dividend Refund is long overdue.

It's time the government paid up!

As I mentioned in my previous blog . . .

"All the Peace Dividend strategy requires is that people look at it, then stand strong and united — stick up for themselves and other good decent American citizens who have been getting the shaft — then go into the voting booth and only vote for candidates who give us a legally-binding guarantee that they will go to Washington DC and do what needs to be done."

Okay, that's simple enough.  We know who to vote for and who not to vote for.

But what's a "legally-binding guarantee"?

This is the legally-binding candidate contract for the Peace Dividend Refund:

It's very straightforward.

If we really want our money back; if we want the endless wars to stop; if we want to see our country become strong, safe, solvent; if we want to reverse the barbarous, self-destructive militarization of our country and the world; if we want to end the slaughter of thousands of innocent people across the globe and be respected again as a country that promotes peace and harmony, then . . .

We only vote for candidates who sign the above contract.

No compromise.  No equivocation.  No negotiation.  No fear.

If a candidate for federal office -- President, Senate, House of Representatives -- will not sign on the dotted line, he does not deserve, nor will he or she get our vote.

If we stand strong, remain united, refuse to back down, we can do this.

Our children and our children's children will thank us.

[ This originated at the author's personal website . . . ]

Peace Dividend Candidates


Monday, April 3, 2017

The Peace Dividend: Could It Really Happen?


I came up with the Peace Dividend strategy over two years ago.  At the time, recognizing that the plan was -- to say the least -- very radical, completely unprecedented, totally outside-the-box, I thought that if it had even the slimmest chance of getting any traction, it was going to be a long and winding road to successfully "sell" and implement it.

To get the plan underway requires that we package peace in an entirely different way, that instead of only appealing to individual conscience, we target individual self-interest.

This is not meant to be cynical.  It's not that people don't care about suffering.  It's that most individuals care first about the suffering of those immediately around them, not that of those in far flung nations they can barely find on a map.

The Peace Dividend strategy is a bottoms-up, grass-roots approach especially targeting those on the bottom of our economy -- the 160+ million who are hovering around or are below the poverty line -- because these folks are most devastated by the economic impact of our war economy.

The Peace Dividend strategy is about letting citizens know what's really going on with the military waste and the endless wars, and making them very angry!  Angry enough to do something about it, certainly for their country, but most of all for themselves and their families -- those whose suffering they see every single day in the struggle for survival.

Such a citizen's "uprising" would be premised on generating a widespread, critical mass understanding that in terms of America's prosecution of wars, aggressive foreign policy, promoting militarism both overseas and here at home, we as citizens are "being lied to", we are victims of a huge scam, that the "system is rigged", that a bunch of "insiders" are running the show who couldn't care less what the general public considered important, what we as regular citizens wanted done.

Do "being lied to", "system is rigged", "insiders are running the show" sound familiar?

Trump's election as president, leaves little doubt that a large segment of the population, viewing our government establishment as a whole, do indeed believe those things.  It's obvious to anyone paying attention that everyday citizens are being taken advantage of, that we have been and continue to be had by a ruling elite, that they will suck every last drop of blood out of the American economy and us individually if we let them.

Therefore, I'm now convinced that if we as peace advocates make the case for the Peace Dividend with boldness and clarity, it is all but inevitable.  Yes!  It could really happen.

As rigorously documented in The Peace Dividend: The Most Controversial Proposal in the History of the World, the military-industrial-security complex allied with a lunatic inner circle within our foreign policy institutions have perpetrated over the past two-and-a-half decades the most odious fraud in history.  This conservatively amounts to stealing $4.82 trillion of tax payer money.  We have every right to and should demand not only that the deception and theft immediately end, but that as victims of this swindle we as citizens be compensated.  We deserve and demand full reimbursement:  The Peace Dividend Refund.

I consider the beauty of my approach to voicing our outrage and asserting our rights as citizens is that it is entirely legal, based completely on the official facts published by our government, assiduously aligned with the Constitution -- therefore not able to be labeled insurrectionist or illegal -- and consistent with democracy based on government of the people, by the people, for the people.

I'm not going to condense a mercifully short but still 86-page-long book for this article. What I will do is give you the "big picture" so that you don't so casually dismiss the idea.

RECOGNIZE:  No current elected official will go along with the Peace Dividend proposal. They and their ruling class puppeteers will oppose it with every dirty trick in the book.

CONSIDER:  When everyday people understand that they've been ripped off, defrauded, bilked out of at least $4.82 trillion, there might be a little bit of anger out there.

ACKNOWLEDGE:  When everyday people realize they have the power to demand this fraudulently collected tax payer money back in the form of a $14,952 refund to each and every living citizen, they might just get a little excited.  In fact, if the word gets around, I predict they will immediately, forcefully, uncompromisingly demand their money back -- every last dollar!

Let's put this together. The VOTING public demands their Peace Dividend refund.  The incumbents cannot, will not even fake interest in giving in to such an outrageous demand. They will dodge and lie and rail against it.  The VOTING public sees this as more evidence that the "system is rigged", that "they are getting shafted", that they are again being had by the establishment blowhards who never do anything for everyday citizens.  Here we have the seeds, the tinder for a MASSIVE VOTER REVOLT.  We unite these angry, frustrated voters into a VOTING BLOC, rejecting business as usual -- fraud as usual! -- behind the demand of justice and fair compensation in the form of a Peace Dividend Refund.  As a result, the vast majority of corporate lapdog incumbents are defeated and replaced by OUTSIDERS who agree to go to Washington DC and put into law . . .

The Peace Dividend Refund Act of 2019!

Sound at all familiar?  Sort of the way an OUTSIDER got elected to president, via a voter revolt that basically said:  "Fuck you! We're sick of it. The hell with politics as usual."

Is this mere fantasy?  In these outlandish, ridiculous times?  Really?

I think it's pretty clear.  And it will especially true after Trump and the current pack of bloodthirsty, Wall Street/ruling class puppets in Congress totally muck everything up.

People are going to be ripe for revenge!  They'll want their money back, I guarantee you!

By the way, please take a few minutes and look at the way the Peace Dividend is fundedYou will note that it drives a lot of the very things on any sensible progressive reform wish list.  Meaning, the Peace Dividend is a watershed for revamping the way our government does business.  I would think that alone would make it worth the time to carefully study, with an open and alert mind, and some creative engagement.

I know that marching in the streets, getting clubbed, pepper-sprayed, manhandled and arrested, are good times and all.  But a lot of people are working two or three jobs just to make ends meet, and can't join in on the fun.  All the Peace Dividend strategy requires is that people look at it, then stand strong and united -- stick up for themselves and other good decent American citizens who have been getting the shaft -- then go into the voting booth and only vote for candidates who give us a legally-binding guarantee that they will go to Washington DC and do what needs to be done.

And even if a lot of folks have extremely demanding schedules -- thus are too busy to fly to Washington DC to attend a peace rally -- I'm confident most will find the time to deposit $14,952 in their bank account.  

How about you?

[ This originated at the author's personal website . . . ]

The Peace Dividend: Could It Really Happen?