There's speculation that the recent devastating disclosures about Mitt Romney will force him to either withdraw or be withdrawn from the presidential race at the upcoming Republican convention.
My immediate reaction?
Maybe the GOP will succumb to their most extreme theater-of-the-absurd impulses and put up a ticket of Michele Bachmann and Ted Nugent.
Then I read that the only other Republican candidate with a significant number of delegates is Ron Paul.
Okay. Not quite as interesting as a Bachmann/Nugent ticket. But right up there. It would be an entertaining, if not altogether ridiculous spectacle.
Repo Man vs. Retro Man.
Obama, the slick hustler who is foreclosing on the American Dream for all his Wall Street buddies, running against Paul who with a straight face wants to return America to the glorious days of the 19th Century.
America would be glued to their TVs to watch this battle of the prestidigitators, one with the charm and charisma of David Copperfield who is making the Middle Class disappear, the other who would invite us all to join him in his Time Machine as he jams it into reverse.
Would the voting public finally wake up to what a sham these elections have become?
Nah! Probably not.
They'd just hit that snooze button for four more years.
[ This originated at the author's personal web site . . . ]