Saturday, April 19, 2014

Arm Wrestling Jesus


I think it's about time we settle the whole Jesus/Son of God/Savior of Mankind 
thing once and for all.

After all, there's so much dispute about what Jesus said, what He did, what He 
meant, why He was here, even who He was.

Basically all of this comes down to the question about His divinity. That in one 
giant gulp swallows everything else. It's the elephant __ or maybe whale 
(see Jonah 1:17) __ in the room.

So I'm issuing a challenge to Jesus Christ personally, upon His return to Earth.

Here's my challenge . . .

When the Man-Who-Died-On-The-Cross-and-Lived-to-Tell-About-It returns to 
our sorry planet __ as we all know, this encore appearance is referred to among 
the reverent as the Second Coming __ we're going to first straight away settle the 
whole omnipotence thing.

After giving Him a few days much needed R and R to get His bearings and get
back up to Savior speed __ God knows what the jet lag must be coming that 

distance __ we're going to sit Him down to an arm wrestling contest. Yes, that's 
right. An arm wrestling contest!

Let's see what He's made of.

Let's see once and for all if He's really got the right stuff!

If Jesus wins, He will be crowned King of . . . of . . . well . . . everything.

If He loses, He owes us a big apology. Really big!. . . considering all of the 
time and money we've spent on cathedrals, churches, prayer books, pipe 
organs, hymnals, the Pope Mobile.

Let me state unequivocally, I think it's important here to pit Him against 
the best that the atheists have on their side. To be quite honest, I can't
really say I'm up to speed on atheist arm wrestling, so you folks out
there who are familiar, help me out here, by choosing from
among your heathen flock who you think can finally put Jesus in His
place. Seriously, give it your best shot! He may come off as a wimpy
preacher/philosopher/guru kind of guy __ generally these touchy-feeley
types are not exactly known for their athleticism __ but if He truly is
the Son of God and all-powerful as widely claimed, He's bringing more to
the table than steroid-soaked, pumped-up muscles. Certainly don't
underestimate Him. You might want to think David and Goliath. This calls
for brain and brawn. Jesus supposedly had a formidable bag of
tricks at His disposal first time around __ raising the dead, changing
water to wine, cripple maintenance and repair, leper healing, fishes and
loaves, water walking __ so He's definitely not a lightweight!

Folks, I'd say we're in for a real mega-event here, the veritable Super Bowl 
of Metaphysics! The World Series of Cosmology!  Why, I wouldn't be
surprised if Arm Wrestling Mania sets new pay-per-view records.

Then when this battle of the biceps is over __ and I have no personal stake 
in the outcome except for the life savings I placed on a bet with a rather 
tawdry bookie here in Japan __ I hope once and for all we have the 
answers we've been looking for and can move on to tackling the
bigger, more pressing questions of our troubled times.

Like . . .

Why did they kill off Will Gardner in the hit TV series "The Good Wife"?


[ This originated at the author's personal web site . . . ]