All of the bleating bloviators, all of the hand-wringing virtue signalers, all of the misguided misinformed peace lovers condemn Russia for its “invasion”. But somehow they don’t ever get around to mentioning the 100,000+ Ukrainian troops in the conflict zone. They don’t mention the huge deployment of lethal arms on the line of contact with the Donbas republics. They don’t mention the increased shelling and killing of innocent citizens by the barbaric Azov Battalion troops. They don’t mention the declared intention of Ukraine to invade and occupy Crimea against the will of the citizens there, who voted overwhelmingly to rejoin Russia rather than be subjected to persecution by the Russia-hating neo-Nazis in control of the country after the US-orchestrated Maidan uprising and coup. They don’t mention the statement by Zelensky about Ukraine obtaining nuclear weapons — just what the world needs, eh? Another nuclear-armed state controlled by oligarchs, mobsters, and power-drunk sociopaths.
And no one mentions THIS * . . .
Do you think these might be among the assets Russia has targeted for “demilitarization”?
Or after the chaos caused by coronavirus, gain-of-function, the whole pandemic mess, do you think it’s just hunky-dory that the US has hundreds of bio-weapons labs across the globe? If so, I nominate your hometown for building one of these “research” facilities.
I’m going to give Putin the benefit of the doubt on this and wait to see how the military campaign unfolds and is finally resolved. I’ll take him at his word when he says Russia cannot tolerate a hostile military presence, nuclear weapons, NATO-trained hostile troops and armaments, and US DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE BIOWEAPONS LABS in a country that borders on Russia. Putting the shoe on the other foot, e.g. similar threats in Canada or Mexico, his request for a binding security agreement seems reasonable and constructive, for everyone involved.
Russia respectfully requested that US/NATO imperial powers grant it some basic courtesy and understanding. US/NATO refused. Putin did and is doing what he had to do to protect Russia from further intimidation and inevitable military assault. Putin has been absolutely clear about Russia’s position on everything that went into creating this crisis, going back to his landmark Munich address in 2007. Something US/NATO can’t comprehend is that he does not bluff, play games, posture, or prevaricate.
Since Russia mounted their operation, the US/NATO aggressors have since shown their true colors by promising more lethal weaponry to Ukraine to further inflame the conflict and promote a larger war, presumably to exhaust and bankrupt Russia. Which has been their intent and raison d’ĂȘtre all along.
Mind you, I’m categorically opposed to war and unprovoked aggression. But when all the weepy honk-for-world-peace folks out there demand an end to war, maybe they should start with their own belligerent governments and build out from there.
* The original link was blocked, which went to a video discussing the various biolabs in Ukraine and other nearby countries. Several other links which took me to sites, where I saw with my own eyes discussions of this open secret, are also blocked. I noticed now there are scores of fake news alerts about the biolabs claim, a red flag in my view. Apparently, this has been deemed taboo. Here are more links and you can judge for yourself whether the claim has any validity: VIDEO … US Embassy in Ukraine … Algora Blog … South Front.