Every language has its own version of the sound a cat makes when, as we say in English, it meows. Here’s a sampling . . .
Now the plot thickens. Notice the Japanese . . . nyān [にゃーん]. Well, the number ‘2’ in Japanese is ‘ni’ [に]. And someone — who decides these things? — made the conceptual leap to suggest that ‘ni – ni ni – ni ni’, that would be 2-22-22, sounds like a cat doing it’s verbalizing/singing/reciting poetry, whatever cat’s do when they meow.
I’ll confess that I don’t quite buy the logic but who cares. It’s fun!
So TODAY — February 22, 2022 — here in Japan is National Cat Day!
As a bonus to this touching story, here’s a video my expert wife found on YouTube that should put a big smile on your face, especially if you, like Masumi and I, love cats!