Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Turning A Blind Eye Does Not Change The View

Opponents of any kind of rational, constructive discussion of global warming and what modifications we must make in both personal behavior and official policy are always saying that the science is not in with respect to human impact on climate change.

Hate to break it to them but it is.

We know what we know and know what we don't know.

To try to make it simple for the skeptics and morons, here is where things stand.

We do know greenhouse gases are warming the planet.

We do not know precisely how high the levels of greenhouse gases will rise.

We do know other pollutants are cooling the planet.

We do not know how much the cooling from other pollutants will offset the warming resulting from greenhouse gases.

We do know that the planet will be getting considerably hotter.

We do not know precisely how much hotter but it will be significant.

We do not know how this heating will specifically impact each different region.

We do know that sea levels across the globe will rise catastrophically.

We do not know precisely how fast the sea levels will rise.

We do not know exactly how seriously rising temperatures will impact life on the planet.

We do know there will be more floods and droughts.

We do not know if there will be more hurricanes, tornadoes, and the like.

We do not know if and when we will reach the point of no return with respect to damage to the world's environmental systems.

The science on climate change is clear and can be summed up in a simple statement. Human beings are causing the atmosphere to heat up and this is going to make things pretty difficult, if not completely intolerable. Because we do not know precisely how difficult or how much of life on the planet will become intolerable is a strange rationalization for doing absolutely nothing.

Turning a blind eye does not change the view.

It just makes us blind.

[ This originated at the author's personal website . . . http://jdrachel.com ]

Friday, October 21, 2011

Bank of America Declares War On the United States

Bank of America has declared war on our country. The recently announced transfer of $75 trillion in derivatives _ much of which consists of toxic assets _ has the potential for bankrupting the nation.

If the President and his economic team, led by already criminally complicit Tim Geitner, allows this quiet coup d'état against the interests of the American people of a magnitude that literally puts at risk our survival as a functioning nation, we will know where they really stand.

President Obama says he is serious about challenging the corruption of Wall Street and the banksters. I have a suggestion. I say we redeploy the troops which are allegedly returning from Iraq. How many branches and offices are there in the Bank of America empire? I think 60,000 battle-hardened soldiers would do the trick.

Unoccupy Iraq.

Occupy Bank of America!

[ This originated at the author's personal web site . . . http://jdrachel.com ]

Monday, October 17, 2011

Chris Hedges: Speaking Truth To Power

In an OpEdNews essay titled "A Movement Too Big To Fail", Chris Hedges explains why we must never compromise our values or temper our legitimate criticism of America. Wrong is wrong. As he so eloquently puts it . . .

"What kind of nation is it that spends far more to kill enemy combatants and Afghan and Iraqi civilians than it does to help its own citizens who live below the poverty line? What kind of nation is it that permits corporations to hold sick children hostage while their parents frantically bankrupt themselves to save their sons and daughters? What kind of nation is it that tosses its mentally ill onto urban heating grates? What kind of nation is it that abandons its unemployed while it loots its treasury on behalf of speculators? What kind of nation is it that ignores due process to torture and assassinate its own citizens? What kind of nation is it that refuses to halt the destruction of the ecosystem by the fossil fuel industry, dooming our children and our children's children?"

I cannot think of better words to lay out the moral and political crisis facing our nation.

[ This originated at the author's personal web site . . . http://jdrachel.com ]

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Personal message from Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg to OWS

Occupy Wall Street No Longer Allowed Tarps and Sleeping Bags In Zuccotti As Of Tomorrow - Article in the Village Voice, posted October 13, 2011 at 3:05 pm.

"Hey, you wild and crazy demonstrators! Thanks for stopping by. We had some fun, didn't we? But all good things must come to an end. So please pack up your sleeping bags and go some place else. The southern states are a good bet this time of year. Much much warmer. Those of you who are unemployed and homeless, feel free to stop by one of the relief assistance offices we have set up here. Of course, we ran out of money so they really can't do much, but the people there are damn nice to talk to. And by the way, good luck with that overthrowing the system bit. When I was your age, I was quite the rebel too. I used to write funny messages on those little umbrellas they put in the fancy mix drinks at the cocktail parties my folks used to throw. So I know the whole rebellion thing first hand. Okay. Gotta go. My limo driver is pointing at his watch."

[ This originated at the author's personal web site . . . http://jdrachel.com ]

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

New "11-11-11" Book Review!

My recent novel "11-11-11" just received an excellent review at MadMikesAmerica. 
Check it out ... http://madmikesamerica.com/2011/10/book-review-11-11-11-by-john-rachel/

Exploding Hockey Pucks Intercepted at Canadian Border!

"Shoot to kill and don't eat any Canadian bacon."
Terrorism has reached new levels of sophistication. Fortunately for us Americans, the Department of Homeland Security has a leg up on the new breed of invading hordes coming from our "ally" to the north, as explained in this recently published article.
Yesterday, a huge shipment of exploding hockey pucks, some of them with the destructive capacity of nuclear weapons, was intercepted coming across the U.S.-Canadian border.
It was not immediately known at which specific locations these hockey pucks would rain their devastation on innocent and unsuspecting Americans. However, DHS analysts have speculated that Minneapolis, Minnesota and Buffalo, New York were among the likely targets. Detroit was also mentioned but as one gentleman commented off the record, "What would be the point?"

Here we have more evidence that the horrifying assault on the American Way can take any form and further proof _ as if we needed it _ that the War on Terror must be waged with even greater toughness and continue indefinitely.
What could be next?
Incendiary Gouda cheese or anthrax-laced chocolate from Holland?
iPhones manufactured in China embedded with hydrogen bombs set to go off when the new hit song from Pixie Lott is downloaded from the iTunes Store?
Crocodile Dundee-style bush hats with flesh-eating bacteria smeared on the hat bands?

Love dolls from Japan with spring-loaded Samurai swords?
It is obvious with the radicalization of Canada that America cannot trust anyone any more. Countries which were once allies are rapidly becoming more hotbeds of anti-Americanism, willing to host proliferating cells of Muslim radicals spreading their diseased vision of the world and determined to wreak havoc and destruction until every last American is killed.
We should all sleep a little sounder knowing that there are brave American border guards standing strong, patrolling our "Maginot Line" with Canada, and keeping America safe.

[ This originated at the author's personal web site . . . http://jdrachel.com ]

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Terrific Job Opportunity!

The Air Force just announced that due to a huge shortage of pilots to fly the unmanned Predator and Reaper drones we are using to terrorize the planet, they will be training more of them by the hundreds over the coming months.
Qualifications merely include previous background playing video games, a strong desire to kill faceless enemy combatants or innocent civilians, the ability to eat potato chips with one hand while operating a game joy stick with the other, and enduring the ridicule of "real pilots" who fly actual planes and consider the drone jockeys just glorified nerds.
This terrific job opportunity is great news and a shot in the arm for America, beset over the past several years with an economy in a death spiral and unemployment numbers which have created great personal hardships and a cloud of despair over the entire nation.
Who said we couldn't create jobs?
God bless America!

[ This originated at the author's personal web site . . . http://jdrachel.com ]

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Killing Us Softly

Voting is becoming more like playing a video game. Just as when you kill an opponent in a video battle no one actually dies, when you vote on the new electronic voting machines, your vote doesn't actually go to the candidate of your choice. It just looks like it does.

    "Another vote for a right wing political hack."
The new electronic voting machines made by Sequoia Voting Systems and Diebold have as a result of extensive laboratory tests been shown to be highly vulnerable to tampering, easily modified or reprogrammed to allow undetectable manipulation of the results. Whether by minor inexpensive alterations in the electronic circuitry or by sophisticated recoding of the software, elections are being taken out of the hands of the electorate and seized by the unscrupulous and traitorous few who would impose autocratic control and political tyranny, while preserving the illusion of democracy.

So there is a big difference between video games and this new form of voting fraud. In a video game, though heads explode and lasers cut people in half, no one really dies. But with what is going on with e-voting now, there is a victim. The victim is America, the greatest political experiment in history.

The victim is government by the people.

The victims are you and I.

[ This originated at the author's personal site ... http://jdrachel.com ]

Monday, September 19, 2011

Differences That Don’t Make A Difference

Mr. Hope and Change 2011

If a man decides he needs to be healthier and adds a little exercise to his daily routine, there will be a difference. Now he will do twenty sit-ups every single morning after breakfast. Assuming he hasn't exercised before, this will be a big difference to him.

This man weighs 375 lbs (170 kg) and still consumes over 8000 calories a day in his excessive high-fat, high-starch, high-sugar diet. Guess what?

His twenty sit-ups aren't going to do a damn thing. It is really a difference that makes no difference. In fact, he may actually be doing himself harm. The twenty sit-ups might stress his balking, grossly overworked heart and kill him.

This is what is going on with politics in America now. There are differences being debated and some laws in place which are "different". Liberals are extolling them as revolutionary new innovations which will put the country back on track towards recovering the vision of an egalitarian society with opportunities and fair share for all. Conservatives are damning them as treasonous abdication of true America to some horrifying socialist model.

Neither is true.

Most of the legislation passed in the past two years __ an impressively long list of left and liberal leaning items __ will make no difference whatsoever to the long term prospects of America's rapprochement with its fundamental ideals or its prospects for survival.

Differences that make no difference.

It's a simple concept and an effective way of calling out and eliminating distractions and falsifications: Those actions and ideas that on first glance appear to have merit but don't really solve the problems. Laws and programs with big gloves but no punching power.

Health care reform: The problems are skyrocketing costs and the still rising 17% of GDP it carves out of the national budget, and the lack of truly universal coverage. The rising costs are not sustainable and will bankrupt the country. Moreover, since America is not a very healthy country, until every single person is given comprehensive preventative services as well as treatment for acute and chronic ailments, it will just get sicker. The solutions to this crisis are 1) offering a path to health care services which is not profit-driven, 2) truly universal coverage, and 3) establishing true competition in the marketplace to drive down costs. The health care bill just passed does none of the above. Health care will continue to be sub-standard and only get worse, and quality health care will soon only be a privilege of the rich. No matter how you slice it, Obama's great historical claim to fame is a difference that makes no difference.

Economic reform: The United States of America has little or no control over its money. The Federal Reserve Bank is an autonomous privately-owned corporation. As long as the country itself does not have absolute authority and control over its currency and matters of monetary policy, it will never be able to effectively address economic issues or solve the daunting problems it currently confronts. The nation is over 13 trillion dollars in debt and counting. It will only get worse. The tinkering that is being done with bank regulations will create some hollow differences in policy but make no substantive difference in the outcome. The rich will get richer and the poor and middle class will get poorer. The country will with increasing rapidity flail and sink into the quicksand of insolvency.

Corporate control: As long as corporations have "personhood" under the law __ a highly questionable ruling by the Supreme Court back in 1886 __ legislation which attempts to trim the sails of corporations will be completely ineffective. The personhood privileges of corporations actually go far beyond what we as in-the-flesh humans have. We have rights and privileges but also culpabilities under the law. We can be imprisoned for our illegal actions. How do you incarcerate a corporation? Do you put the home offices in jail? The 17,262 stockholders? The receptionist at the front counter? It is laughable to see debates going on about trying to reign in corporations, keeping them from exporting jobs, from off-shoring profits, from avoiding taxes, and on and on. It won't happen. Corporations have no real accountability. And they certainly have no conscience. Caring is not in their corporate by-laws, nor is it in their nature __ this by definition. Anything we do with the personhood legal sanctuary corporations currently have in place, will be a difference that makes no difference.

Corporate power: Corporations now own Congress. Maybe the White House. I posted a piece called "Is President Obama Under House Arrest?" It could have been called "Who Really Owns The Highest Executive Office In America?" We have seen President Obama rubbing up against the legs of Wall Street and corporate America like a cat who wants to be fed. He has personally made his case before the U. S. Chamber of Commerce, as well as the movers-and-shakers on Wall Street. What a joke! Of course they nodded and smiled and offered him reassurances that they were on board. What were they going to do? Put a whooppie cushion on his seat and throw tomatoes at him? It was all a nice show. To his credit, President Obama as always was funny, articulate, charismatic, and charming. It was a love fest. But! Words are words. Deeds are deeds. The President, tragically and naively thinks he can nudge these people into doing the right thing with a nicely crafted appeal. But realistically the man has no levers to pull. Corporations can make unlimited contributions to political campaigns (see 'personhood' above), have outgrown any loyalty to the country (40,000 factories closed in America over the past decade), have managed to pull levers themselves which puts the country at enormous risk ($9 trillion bailouts and guarantees), and will continue to do whatever they have to do to make money. Tons of it. The President can do what he will to try to tweak consumer protection laws in order to reduce some abuses __ credit cards, home loans, whatever __ but here we have a classic case of differences which will make no difference. The Treasury has already been looted. And it was our money, yours and mine __ the 98% of America which is not disgustingly wealthy __ that was taken.

Can anybody spare some change?

[ This originated at the author's personal web site ... http://jdrachel.com ]

Saturday, September 17, 2011

I Am Barack Obama

"I am Barack Obama. I am President of the United States of America. I am a figure of enormous historical importance. I am the first black man to ever hold the office of the presidency. God bless this great country for making my story possible."
"I am Barack Obama. I am President of the United States of America. I am a figure of enormous historical importance. I am the first black man to ever hold the office of the presidency. God bless this great country for making my story possible."
It is hard to imagine that there is anyone in this country __ Democrat, Republican, Independent, undeclared __ who isn't a little perplexed by this enigmatic man, Barack Obama. Some of us are very perplexed and very angry.
Here is a very unflattering article by Michael Brenner, which offers an analysis of President Obama as a person. It explores his personality traits and comes to a startling conclusion, one which Obama supporters will not just find disturbing, but will deem outrageous and insulting.
This is a link to a podcast, of an interview of the author of the article by Rob Kall of OpEdNews. It is almost an hour long and probably most of you cannot even consider taking that much time out of busy schedules or much deserved leisure time to listen to something of this duration. I beg that you do. It will be time very well-spent and will reward you with some challenging ideas and insights into our current political morass.
I can only ask, but ask with as much sincerity and passion as I can generate, that you read and listen with an entirely open mind. Obama supporters will probably be outraged at the outset. Please, please just take a deep breath, calm yourselves, and read all the way to the end of the article, or listen to the entire interview, before going ballistic. If you can handle it, both read the article and listen to the audio.
Then just think about it.

[ This originated at the author's personal blog site ... http://jdrachel.com ]

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Those tomatoes look so good!

"What are you looking at, chump?"

Remember that slogan popular in the 60s, "You are what you eat"?

When it comes to GMOs, I prefer to believe the acronym actually stands for Genetically Mutated Organisms.

So if you want to be a mutant, go ahead and eat them. While those mutant soy products, lovely perfect nutrition-free tomatoes and other Round Up-laced veggies are coursing down your gullet, you might want to read this.

I have been concerned about this issue since my first go around the world, a stretch when I volunteered on organic farms. While on an organic marijuana farm in South Africa, I read "Seeds of Deception" by Jeffrey M. Smith. (For more on my experiences as an agricultural slave look here, scrolling down to the section on WWOOFing.)

My advice . . . Don't eat Frankenfood!

We ignore this matter at our own very high personal risk. We certainly can't expect the responsible government agencies to stand up to Monsanto and the other purveyors of improperly tested but profitable technologies. The sobering fact is the U.S. Department of State is the sales office internationally for Monsanto and other agri-chemical corporations! I fully expect a law to be introduced into Congress, "Hug a veggie, go to jail!"

Please do your own research on this. Especially if you have children. Everyone claims they want the best for their kids. So maybe we shouldn't be poisoning them, eh?

I think I'll have a nice juicy tomato now. One I grew myself.

"Size matters!"

"Bunker Buster!!"

"It's a tomato...I think."
[ This originated at the author's personal web site . . . http://jdrachel.com ]

Monday, August 22, 2011

What’s a trillion dollars or so between friends?

"Magnanimous Uncle Ben"

People wonder why I am so preoccupied with wresting control of our national banking back from the Federal Reserve and putting it directly under control of the Federal government.

Well! It happens to be the most fundamental issue facing America in addressing its debt and systemic insolvency.

Systemic insolvency simply means that bankruptcy is built into the system as now configured. We will always be short of money and will in the end run up against a wall which will guarantee the implosion of the American economy.

Please read this article and ask yourself . . .

What's a few trillion dollars between friends?

[ This originated at the author's personal web page . . . http://jdrachel.com ]

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Snatching hope from the jaws of despair . . .

"A true statesman and a bold leader."

It seems that everyone who has declared their candidacy for the presidential election of 2012 missed the implied irony in the title of the Talking Heads live performance movie, Stop Making Sense, preferring to take the title literally and hence to succumb to the ossifying effects of age, the drunken delirium of power, and the mental rot which comes from spending too much time preening for TV cameras and photo ops. Then again, the movie was made in 1984. Since then the entire political discourse has become such an Orwellian exercise, maybe spewing nonsense is "making sense".

Occasionally, however, above the surrealistic din created by the so-called debates, the auditory Möbius strip of sound bites, the Third Reichian repetition of talking points, and the pig-ignorant, tabloid coverage of all of this by a media bent on feeding the sensory overloaded addictions of an exhausted and despondent public, yes, over the shrill chaos and poisonous cacophony rises a voice which reminds us of what it actually means to "make sense".

Here is an article about what one such voice sounds like __ what that voice is saying.

Senator Bernie Sanders has stature, integrity, passion and speaks directly to the issues out of conviction. He is not owned by anyone, therefore is able to think and communicate for himself. He is only national political figure who can pull America out of the quicksand.

The honorable Mr. Sanders says he is only interested in running again for Senate.

But maybe if we begged . . .

[ This originated at the author's web page . . . http://jdrachel.com ]

Saturday, August 13, 2011

All Smoke No Mirrors

"Hey! Thanks for your excellent service over the years but we won't be needing you anymore."

As efforts continue to get big government off of the backs of Americans, it was recently announced that they are eliminating 120,000 jobs from the U. S. Postal Service.

No worries!

Just click on the link below and learn how you can send letters using the age-old, time-tested method invented by our Native Americans: Smoke Signals! Yes, we can help you become a world-class expert at communicating with your friends and family using smoke signals. Guaranteed results! We'll get you up to speed. If by the end of the lessons you're not at least cranking out seven words an hour, we will refund the entire purchase price of the course.

Enroll now! Classes are filling fast . . . http://americaisgoingdownthetubes.com

[ This originated at the author's personal web site . . . http://jdrachel.com ]

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

More Guns . . . Fewer Stethoscopes!

Bigger military is the solution!

More guns, I say!!

For example, if we expand our military capabilities, we can start shooting all those deadbeat Americans who are expecting to get quality health care.

Or a good public school education.

Or a decent paying job.

Should we worry about the wholesale killing of innocent Americans? What about the labor pool? Who will man the drive-up windows at McDonalds? Who will be there to hand out bowls of tepid chicken-flavored brine in our soup lines? Who will hold up the public service announcements __ the 'Will work for food!' signs __ on the freeway on-ramps?

No worries!

Major Keith Markham described the prevailing attitude of the military towards its troops all too clearly in a private memo sent to his platoon leaders. "We have an unlimited supply of expendable labor."

There you go!!

This obviously will have to be the prevailing attitude toward the entire American citizenry.

Otherwise, people will get out of line and start expecting a decent life.

Shoot 'em! Shoot 'em all. More guns!

Fewer stethoscopes.

[ Insert tears here for the America
which is being lost, for the children
who are being abandoned, for the
death of the American Dream. ]

[ This originated at the author's personal web site . . . http://jdrachel.com ]

Monday, August 1, 2011

Really Bad Television

The whole debt ceiling debacle is a really bad made-for-TV drama.

The show should be immediately canceled.

It never should have aired in the first place.

Not only is there specific language in the 14th Amendment to the Constitution which invalidates the very idea that America could default on its obligations. But as is explained in a brilliant and well-supported article posted on OpEdNews, the language embodied in 31 USC 3101 of the Public Debt Law of 1941 itself, unambiguously and explicitly "gives the President the EXPRESS, inherent and unilateral authority to direct the Secretary of the Treasury to incur obligations to cover all expenditures authorized by law, which is to say the sum of the appropriations bills Congress has already passed."

This directly applicable and legally binding statute has not come up even once in all of the blather we have had to endure over the past several weeks. Are we really to believe that not a single one of Obama's policy experts, that not a single one of the 535 lawmakers on Capitol Hill has any idea what existing law says?

I say the debt ceiling crisis and its supposedly bipartisan resolution is a sham. Again the American people are being duped and defrauded by the Congress and the President, with the full support of the corporate propaganda machine known as the media.

This manufactured drama, which is about as real as professional wrestling, is imposition by veiled tyranny of public policy which is contrary to the interests of the vast majority of Americans. It is at its core deceitful and, if we are to be honest with ourselves about it, treasonous.

This whole business is really bad television and it is destroying America.

[ This originated at the author's personal blog site ... http://jdrachel.com ]

Friday, July 29, 2011

What, me worry? New season of Jersey Shore starts Thursday August 4th!

Legitimate debate has become impossible in the psychotic cacophony of punditry, posturing, pandering, character assassination and disinformation.

And now at the darkest hour, they still seek to blind us.

Soon no useful information will be available at all.

But we still have Jersey Shore!

New season premieres Thursday August 4th, two days after the default.

God bless America!

[ This originated at the author's web site . . . http://jdrachel.com ]

Monday, July 25, 2011

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Exxon Mobil . . . will you marry me?

Exxon Mobil corporate headquarters in Irving, Texas.
If I can't marry my horse or my same sex partner, then I want to marry a corporation.

Exxon Mobil Corporation . . . will you marry me?

How about you, General Electric, Ltd?

Under the current interpretations of the law by courts at all levels on the legal status of corporations, they are considered "persons".  Yes . . . they have all of the rights we normal citizen type persons have under our constitution __ including the right of free speech, the right to assemble (think monopoly), the right to petition the government, the right to bear arms (think security guards), the appropriate standing to effect contracts and seek judicial enforcement of such instruments (although individual corporate owners and managers are themselves insulated from prosecution in court), and overall the freedom and mobility to operate unencumbered by the original restrictions put on them when corporate laws set strict guidelines and sensible limits on how corporations should function in our society.

There are some limitations imposed the laws of physics, which sensibly even align with the edicts of common sense.  For example, corporations can be indicted for crimes and fined, but not be incarcerated.  How exactly would you put a "corporation" behind bars?  They own the prisons anyway, so that wouldn't work out too well.  Similarly, they are unable to physically walk into a voting booth to cast a ballot.  But as the news on a daily basis amply demonstrates, they are certainly quite capable of buying politicians and getting their way in the hallowed halls of our government-to-the-highest bidder, abetted and sanctioned by the newly hatched prerogative of personhood delivered to them on a silver platter by the Supreme Court via the recent Citizens United ruling.
However you cut it, the law says corporations are persons.

Some people take issue with this.  It's not just the counter-intuitive aspect of this legal characterization, but the alarmingly advantageous position this puts corporations relative to the economy and the other social, economic and political entities which might serve to challenge and impede their power.  There is the very tangible fear that these "organisms" __ remember they are people __ which flaunt a monolithic devotion and allegiance only to making money, will become uncontrollable monsters.  Pumped up on the steroids of greed, they will destroy everything which gets in the way of their pure pursuit of profit.
Corporations, especially transnational corporations, are already erasing national borders.  In our own country they are often accused of erasing our way of life.  And the bigger and more formidable they become, with the rights and privileges conferred on them as persons __ really BIG persons __ citizens will lack the colossal wealth and influence corporations will wield and end up virtually powerless to stop their assault.  This will finally result in the destruction of America and the subjugation of all of us to corporate rule, an enslavement to faceless entities which will turn America into a feudal state with us as pathetic serfs.


As if throwing the country and all future generations into the toilet was a bad thing, when there's money to be made.  Whiners, I say!
Which brings me back to my original question.

Why can't I marry one?
Some might think I am just marrying for money.  But just hold on!  Before you go off on some half-cocked harangue questioning my sincerity, trying to read some purely ulterior motive into this, let me just say that I have always thought corporations are totally hot!    This goes way back.  Some of my best friends are corporations.  And I get letters in the mail all of the time from them.

So back off!

In defense of what might seem to be an impossible or purely ridiculous attempt to bring a little corporate love into my life, let me point out that nowhere have I seen it specifically stated that these corporate persons cannot marry.  In fact, I am selflessly willing to invite ridicule, risk complete humiliation and offer my controversial, highly publicized marriage to public scrutiny (the cover of People Magazine would be very nice) and potential judicial review.  That is, I am willing to marry a corporation and subject the validity of our sacred bond of matrimony to the vigilance and astute judgment of the highest courts of the land, should someone wish to challenge it.

Whoa!  I see Apple is doing great these days.  Sales of the iPad just broke new records.  Their iPhone is still leaping off the shelves.  Plus I am already a Mac user.

This is perfect!  Sounds like a marriage made in Heaven.

Apple Corporation . . . will you marry me?

[  This originated at the author's personal web site . . . http://jdrachel.com  ]

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

We are doomed! And now on a more pessimistic note . . .

We can circle the wagons but remember THEY own the wagons. Which means they were probably built in Vietnam or China by skinny 11-year old children chained to their work stations, too weak to properly tighten the lug nuts. So . . . the wagons will fall apart if anything more massive than a moth or hummingbird bumps into them. And there WE will be holding our pitchforks staring at the shiny nose cone of a drone-fired missile which just broke the sound barrier.

I wonder what's on TV tonight.

American Idol!

[This originated at the author's personal web site . . . http://jdrachel.com ]

Monday, July 18, 2011

Why Did The Chicken Cross The Road?

I just read a short but fascinating article called "The GOP to the Working Class is Like Colonel Sander Promising a Good Life to Chickens". This is definitely my kind of piece, because it raises age-old philosophical questions. And it lends itself to offering anecdotal commentary, as opposed to carefully researched and statistically supported scholarship.

Here is what I think!

One of my new friends on Facebook is a chicken (that's his profile pic) and has been living at the Colonel Sanders Happy Farm For Chickens for several weeks. He says that everything is great! He does notice that every day, several of his chicken buddies disappear. But he figures they are probably just visiting friends on another happy chicken farm somewhere. The only thing that bothers him is the constant smell of burning flesh coming from some fast food restaurant down the street with a big KFC sign out front.

Golly, all of this is making me hungry. Any Republicans out there willing to buy my lunch?

Anyway . . . where was I?

Oh! I'm done. That's all I have to say.

So the next time someone asks you why Democrats (or any informed, rational persons who have the greater interests of the country at heart) would support the Republican Party in its wholesale assault on the hard-working, honest and genuinely loyal Americans who make up the majority of citizens in this country, the answer is simple . . .

They are dumber than a chicken.

[ This originated at the author's personal blog site . . . http://jdrachel.com ]

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Will the world end on 11-11-11?

Check out the promotional video for my recently published novel . . .

[ This posting originated at the author's personal webpage: http://jdrachel.com/11-11-11/ ]

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Back To The Basics

Mark Karlin just posted at Buzzflash (a favorite site of mine) a very articulate and timely article called "Just a Few Ways Corporations Kill Innovation in the United States". Read it here.

It got me thinking.

In my senior year high school civics class in lovely Detroit, I was taught that there are three pillars to a solid, vibrant economy: business, labor and government. Moreover, it is the tension and dynamic interaction of these three co-equal institutions which fuels economic growth and raises the overall standard of living for all Americans. This has been the structural foundation of our national economic miracle.

What has happened?

Labor unions have been destroyed, government has been bought by corporations, and big business has elevated itself to a position of absolute control (if not heartless tyranny) in the form of a corporate kleptocracy raiding the Treasury and impoverishing the citizenry.

Maybe it's time to revisit that old textbook.

[ This article originated at the author's personal web site . . . http://jdrachel.com ]

Monday, July 4, 2011


My short story "Slow Bullets", an adapted excerpt from my recent full-length novel 11-11-11, just came out in the summer issue of Forge Journal, both online and in print. This is the second story published from the book. Check it out!

[ This posting originated at the author's personal website: http://jdrachel.com ]

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Ax and Spend

The Republicans are relentless in pursuing their policy of "Ax and Spend" . . . ax all of the social programs out of the federal budget and spend the money they save on their cruel self-serving tax policies on more yachts and jewelry. Makes sense if you are a selfish traitor who think justice and fairness should be "off the table".

In a passionate and extremely articulate speech on the floor of the Senate Monday June 27, Rep. Bernie Sanders has made the case why the President must draw a line the sand and stop this insane juggernaut which threatens the very foundations of our society, democratic institutions, and most cherished values: Mr. President: Enough is Enough!

[ This article originated at the author's web site: http://jdrachel.com ]

Sunday, June 26, 2011


Alright! We're making progress.

11-11-11 has been out about a month now and it is finally available in print as a large-format paperback (it's simply lovely, daaarling!) from Amazon . . . http://lnk.ms/QXVl5

11-11-11 has also been added as an ebook to these sites.

As a Barnes & Noble Nook Book . . . http://lnk.ms/Py9Xg

At the Sony eReader Book site . . . http://lnk.ms/PPJhr

At Kobo as an EPUB ebook . . . http://lnk.ms/QQJ0n

And as mentioned before:

From Amazon.com as a Kindle ebook . . . http://lnk.ms/M0D5m

From Smashwords in every popular ebook format . . . http://lnk.ms/MYjWm

As a large format paperback direct from the printer . . . http://lnk.ms/NKhg5

From the website of my publisher Melange Books out of beautiful, tropical Minneapolis, Minnesota . . . http://www.melange-books.com/authors/johnrachel/rachel11-11-11.html

11-11-11. It’s crazy. It’s weird. It’s real. It’s fun. It’s America.

[ This posting originated at the author's personal website: http://jdrachel.com ]

Golly Gee . . . How Will It End?

Here is a map of U. S. military presence in the Middle East.

Do we need a crystal ball to see where this is heading?

This clearly explains President Obama's recent announcement of mere token troop reductions from Afghanistan. No point to bringing them home when our boys will be eventually needed right next door, eh?

I intentionally phrased the question the way I did: How will it end? Because if America embarks on another of its imperial military misadventures, against the will of a war-weary public, further scraping at the bottom of its depleted barrel of borrowed bullion bankrolled by China and Japan, forcing Russia into a must-win defensive position, validating Russia's and China's certainty that the U. S. is attempting to establish hegemony over the oil fields of the region, it will be an end.

It will be the end of whatever America is or has pretended to be over its 200 years plus of pseudo-glory and presumed leadership of the world.

It will be the end of America as an idea and as the greatest promise in history.

This will not merely be a war with another country. This will be a war against ourselves.

A war we will most certainly lose . . . because there can be no winner.

[ This article originated at the author's blog site:  http://jdrachel.com/slow-bullets/ ]

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Michigan is #1!!!

My home state of Michigan is #1!!
It's right out front leading the pack!

According to online journal 24/7 Wall Street, Michigan has the #1 worst economy of all the states in the country . . .

1. Michigan
Pct. Change in over 10 years in GDP: 2.3%
Pct. Change in Population: -0.6% (the only decrease)
Unemployment Rate: 10.2%
Median Household Income: $45,255
Change in Household Income: -0.6% (the lowest)
Pct. Below Poverty Line: 16.2%

Lovely. Household income going DOWN! 1 out of every 6 people below the poverty line. Detroit's actual unemployment rate is nearly 50%!

It makes me Proud with a capital P. We're all just tickled pink. Proud and pink. Hmm. What else starts with a 'p'? Ah yes . . . poverty . . . and pathetic.

But all those struggling Michiganders can take heart. According to recent announcements by Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke and several informed advisors to President Obama, the economic recovery is right on track. Steadily improving, they tell us.

Whew! I am so relieved.

Let's all sing along! . . . "Happy Days Are Here Again"

[ This post originated at the author's web site http://jdrachel.com

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Sweet Nothings In The Digital Age

It used to be that when you were fond of someone, you carved initials in a tree trunk.
Maybe they still do that in Elk City, Oklahoma or Tuskegee, Alabama or some other godforsaken place.

But wake up folks! This has all changed. Most of us have moved on. Now instead of the tree trunk carving thing, we snap a photo with our smart phones of a boner in briefs or a t-shirt raised for a nice tit shot, then send that sucker out on the digital highway!

This is romance in the Digital Age. Sweet nothings by hitting our 'Send' buttons.

Let me first remind all those that pine for the "good old days" that we have cut down 90% of the trees in this great land of ours, which right from the get-go puts a serious crimp in the carving-initials-in-the-bark-of-a-tree way of doing things.

But more importantly is that every form of human activity evolves. Who is to say how we will say I love you, baby! in ten or twenty years. Maybe instead of a diamond ring, guys will offer the gold-plated testicles of a Himalayan Yak on a depleted uranium chain.

So I say all of this flap about Anthony Weiner's "indiscretions" is truly an anachronism and one big hearty snorting knee-slapping joke.

But seriously . . .

It actually goes way beyond this. The truth is there is no ha-ha to be had in this brouhaha. Because frankly the hypocrisy of it all is so breathtakingly and insultingly evident.

I hate to have to bring this up. But every American citizen right now is an accomplice in some very appalling crimes against our fellow man. Each one of us. Guilty as charged.

Call it a war on terrorism or whatever you want. The fact is that America has killed and is killing thousands of innocent people in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and too many other places to mention. Oh right, we don't approve of innocent killing. But that's what's being done in our name by President Obama. We cheer him on, party when he gets the bad guy, then glaze over all deaf and dumb when any of the collateral slaughter gets mentioned in the news. But let's own up. We did elect the guy president. He's doing the job as our chosen commander-in-chief, with our consent and tacit approval. There have been over 150 unmanned attack drones launched since Obama took office. Unfortunately, it ain't just the bad guys on the other end of those drones. Over two thousand people have been killed in Pakistan alone, few of them confirmed terrorists. Many of them children.

Another one.

We are among only a handful of nations who refuse to sign the anti-landmine treaty. The lovely company we keep on this includes China, Pakistan, Russia, North Korea, India and Myanmar. I have seen first hand in Cambodia and Vietnam the horrible consequences of landmines. But that's where we stand. Again we have turned a blind eye and deaf ear. But it's our country and our Congress and our President. We each share the blame and dishonor.

One more . . . just because we're having so much fun, eh?

We are the most polluting, wasteful, selfish country on the planet. We gobble up 25% of all of the energy in the world. We throw away 31 million tons of edible food every year. Our foreign aid as a percentage of GDP is among the lowest in the developed economies. We are 22nd, behind countries like Greece, Portugal and Ireland. They're all broke but they still manage to be more generous!

I could go on but it is too depressing.

All I have to say is when all the self-righteous hyper-prudes point the finger at someone and act like sending a picture of Mr. Happy standing at attention in a pair of BVDs is some horrifying immoral act, they should take a look in the mirror and do some real objective soul-searching about what they and this country stand for and what right they have to claim the high moral ground.

We are all guilty of something. Some guilt is more serious than others.

We all have issues. Some issues are more important than others.

Time to sort it all out and get on with the important stuff.

[ This posting originated at the author's blog site . . . http://jdrachel.com/slow-bullets/ ]