Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Maybe the Islamic protesters have a legitimate complaint.

Military bases the U.S. currently has in the Middle East

Military bases the Middle Eastern countries have in the U.S.

[ This originated at the author's personal web site . . . http://jdrachel.com ]

Monday, September 17, 2012

This is what our brave soldiers are dying for in Afghanistan . . .


When remembering and honoring our brave men and women in uniform who have given their lives and continue to die in Afghanistan __ American and coalition deaths now exceed 3000 __ it is important to know what they are dying for.

For a full-size, more legible map, please click here.

Do you think the corporations who will be extracting the precious minerals, coal, gas and oil, and banks like JP Morgan Chase who are underwriting this monumental plundering, will share with the families of the deceased the gargantuan profits they will be making?   Or give assistance to the tens of thousands maimed in the war or suffering PTSD?

I doubt it.

They won't even send flowers.

[ This originated at the author's personal web site . . . http://jdrachel.com ]

Monday, September 10, 2012

“Free as a butterfly in a hurricane.”

Give me your tired, your poor
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free
The wretched refuse of your teaming shore
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me
I say lift thy skirts, lo! come to my door
I embrace thou even as a common whore
'Tis the illusion of freedom you implore?
Here you have it, you shall seek no more

President Obama signed the National Defense Authorization Act on December 31, 2011.

Happy New Year!

[ The title of this blog is a quote from my recent novel 12-12-12. Visit http://jdrachel.com/12-12-12 ]

Sunday, September 2, 2012

The Right To Bear Nuclear Arms

My lovely Japanese wife frequently asks me about gun ownership in America. In Japan, it's difficult, if not impossible, to buy a gun. So when there are incidents of gun violence in America __ and there have been many recently __ she understandably questions the prudence of having so many guns around.

I explain that written in the U.S. Constitution __ specifically the Second Amendment __ is a clause which protects the right of U.S. citizens to possess and use all sorts of guns for a variety of commonly accepted purposes, hunting and self-defense chief among them.

She has several times asked me, "Is it really that easy to buy a gun there?"

I came across this article:  "Amazon ships assault rifle instead of television".

Apparently it's not only easy, it's actually difficult to not buy a gun. This guy just wanted a nicer screen to watch TV and movies and ended up with a full-blown assault weapon.

I got to thinking about the whole thing and came to a surprising conclusion. The rationale for having so many weapons at our itchy fingertips springs from the powerhouse argument contained in this pithy gem of philosophical analysis . . .

Guns don't kill people. People kill people!

Since this is irrefutable logic, I began to wonder why it has been applied so narrowly. The truth is, guns are just one form of lethal entertainment. Thanks to the amazing advances in science and technology, there is a cornucopia of devices which fit the legal definition of "arms" as referred to in our Constitution. It seems to me, the legal framework and the rationale would apply equally to nuclear weapons.

Now, narrow interpreters of the Bill of Rights might say:  "There's nothing in there about the right to bear nuclear arms."

I say:  "So what? There's nothing in there excluding them!"
Conservatives argue that government should be about increasing the options of its citizenry, or at least staying out of the way so that all of the options are on the table. Normally, I'm not one to agree with people on the right end of the political spectrum. Grudgingly I admit the wisdom of their arguments here is just too overwhelming.

So let's go for it! After all . . .

Hand grenades don't kill people. People kill people!

Stinger missiles don't kill people.  People kill people!

Cluster bombs don't kill people. People kill people!

Predator drones don't kill people. People kill people!

Nerve gas doesn't kill people. People kill people!

Nuclear weapons don't kill people. People kill people!

Just think about how much fun we can have if we're not restricted to only using sawed-off shotguns and assault weapons! It'll be awesome! And finally, hunters will regain the upper hand from those pesky critters out there who have been outwitting them and managed to keep from being slaughtered into extinction. We'll show 'em who's boss around here!

Understandably there have to be a few controls in place. You can't just have anybody and everybody driving around with WMDs in the trunk of their SUV or family station wagon. But with some reasonable waiting period and background check, I don't see why this couldn't work. Permits could be issued as they now are with handguns . . .
The bearer of this permit, offering appropriate corroborative identification, is entitled to possess and use within applicable limits and restrictions, explosive nuclear devices up to 50 kiloton explosive equivalency, as defined by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).
It's time to claim our rights under the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution and realize the profound wisdom of the founding fathers.

It's time that we be able to put in that munitions cache which has become the hallmark of a safe and happy American home, all of weaponry available today, including nuclear bombs.

It's time to assert our constitutionally protected right!

The right to bear nuclear arms.

[ This originated at the author's personal web site . . . http://jdrachel.com ]