Thursday, January 29, 2015

Camp Grenada


Hello muddah 
Hello faddah 
Here I am at  
Camp Grenada 

I frequently find myself making a completely wrong assertion about
America's shameful, unbroken record of military defeats over the past
seven decades. I keep saying America hasn't won a war since World War II.

What I keep forgetting was our glorious and decisive victory over the fierce, 
determined bastion of leftist, socialist, communist rancor and filth __ the island 
nation of Grenada.

Using a lethal combination of the U.S. Army's Rapid Deployment Force, U.S.
Marines, our Army Delta Force, and the Navy SEALS, we kicked their commie asses

The campaign was called Operation Urgent Fury.It took only a few short weeks to bring 
this defiant hooligan nation to its knees. We hit them hard and hit them where it hurts by 
bombing a mental hospital and killing eighteen patients. That's what they get for being 
crazy commies!

Grenada __ sneaky Bolshevists that they were __ tried to marginalize the magnitude
and grandeur of our victory with an audacious, not to say bizarre, and
in-the-end ineffective strategy. This unorthodox "curve ball" was that
they had virtually no army, no navy, no air force, practically no
military at all, to resist the conquering heroics of our fighting boys
in uniform.

That's right . . . they had only a handful of citizens in their military __ no Department 
of Defense, no military-industrial complex, no CIA, NSA, KGB. They didn't even have 
a KFC!

They did have an excellent education system, a thriving economy with no
unemployment, a decent and improving health care system, a bare minimum
of wealth inequality. Typical of misguided socialist countries all
across the globe, they believed in the laughably quaint idea that all of
the citizens of their country should be treated well and have an equal
share in the abundance created by their collective labors, love and
concern for their fellow man.


We fixed that!

The unions were "reorganized", huge sections of the economy were privatized,
assets were gobbled up by U.S. corporations. Now, under the guiding hand
of a capitalist free market economy, and a puppet democracy which knows
who is boss and takes its orders from the good old corporate state U S of A,
unemployment hovers around 18%, poverty afflicts 32% of the population,
the small manufacturing sector continues to shrink, tourism has been hobbled 

__ partly due to the enormous destruction of Hurricane Ivan in 2004 __ and 
inflation is upwards of 5%, offsetting the modest growth of the economy.

However, a genuinely outstanding thing happened as a result of our saving this
struggling island nation from the scourge of socialism . . . and I would be remiss
to not mention it.

Grenada now has a KFC!

In fact, it has two!

Which will be great for our American troops if we ever have to invade again.

I sincerely apologize to any of you readers out there who depend on me to
be both truthful and accurate when recounting the achievements and
challenges of our great nation. I hope the corrected record I have
offered here serves to exonerate me, and I am forgiven by any who might
have been been misled or misinformed by my oversight in the matter of
America's military prowess.

Go Team America!

Fuck yeah!

[ This originated at the author's personal web site . . . ]

Tuesday, January 27, 2015


Magicians are adept at distraction, as are card sharks, pickpockets and politicians.

And when you throw in the main stream media as a partner in crime, you have the perfect storm for a misinformed and malleable public.

It goes without saying that Americans are constantly bombarded with stories and images provoking fear. Just in the past couple months, we've had ISIS sleeper cells, the certainty that Ebola would be spreading like a plague across the land, a cyber attack by North Korea on our sacrosanct movie industry and our freedom of speech, last but not least, the threat of a reconstituted Soviet Union under the rule of that barbarian Vladimir Putin, raining nuclear-tipped ICBMs down on us. 

These are what I would call the "pro-active" distractions, ones which disable our ability to think rationally and turn us into trembling bowls of paralyzed Jello.

But I've decided that perhaps the most insidious distractions are the "passive" variant, the on-the-surface innocent ones that monopolize our attention with crises which are beyond trivial, drain us of energy and focus better directed to important issues that makes a real difference, make a mockery of anything resembling meaningful conversation, and upend and distort both our personal and national priorities.

I could go on for months on these distractions. We all know what they are. They include everything from celebrity gossip, to scandals involving iconic figures in sports, politics, business, and so on.
Just last week, there was a "scandal" which monopolized huge swaths of American media. Everyone had to weigh in, even allegedly serious journalists like Ed Schultz. Frankly, I was tempted to throw my hands up in the air, throw my hat in the ring, maybe throw up.

This was the whole business about the amount of air in the footballs thrown by all-star Tom Brady, quarterback for the New England Patriots. I don't have to explain this "crisis" in technical detail, because if you had your television on at any point, you already know that America demanded to know whether there was the legal minimum amount of air pressure in the footballs Mr. Brady used in his glorious ascent to football stardom.

While one third of America's school children are now officially living in poverty . . .

While despite the rosy figures spewed by our government, the truth is America's economy is in decline and a major economic crash is coming, probably sooner than later . . .

While we as ordinary citizens are being treated as the enemy, with constant surveillance and spying, and a militarized police presence which is often brutal and not adverse to killing innocent people, especially people of color . . .

While the planet is heating up at rates far beyond the most pessimistic predictions, boding unparalleled depletion of food resources, displacement of millions of people, setting the stage for massive global conflict over water and arable land . . .

While the banksters and Wall Street criminals go unprosecuted for their prior malfeasance and fraud __ e.g. the crash of 2008 __ and continue to loot the national treasury . . .

While TTP and TTIP, so-called "free trade agreements" which will be the nail in the coffin for an economy which serves the needs of the majority of citizens in our country, are being rammed down the throats of good, decent, hard-working people to serve the interests of the oligarchy . . .

While the neocon lunatics now in control of America's foreign policy are busy rallying the nation for an unnecessary, unjustified, lethal confrontation with Russia __ a major war, folks, as in World War III! . . .

We are wringing our hands over the amount of air in a football?

[ This originated at the author's personal web site . . . ]


Wednesday, January 21, 2015


President Obama __ bless his heart __ recently proposed making junior colleges free
for anyone who wants to attend. Of course, this won't happen. The callous, largely deranged Republican-controlled Congress we now have will never pass such a law.

But let's put Mr. Obama's magnanimous suggestion in perspective.

To make communities colleges free would cost $60 billion over the next ten years.

Contrast this with the largest boondoggle in America's history __ the F-35 Program.

Here's a defense project, folks, that can't get DE-FUNDED, no matter how many setbacks
cost overruns, and failures it racks up. Or how much criticism and outrage it arouses.

The projected cost of the F-35 program? 

$1.5 trillion! 

No, that was not a typo. It's $1.5 trillion!

$60 billion for free community college education. 

$1.5 trillion for an unnecessary and ineffective military program.

$60 billion for education which won't get approved by Congress. 

$1.5 trillion which will go into the bloated vaults of the military-industrial complex and 
its fat-cat executives.

The $1.5 trillion for the F-35 program could provide free community college education for 
the next 250 years! 

Does this tell you something about the twisted priorities of our country?

Does this put things in perspective?

[ This originated at the author's personal web site . . . ]

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Long live the mob!

If my neighbor calls my wife a whore and I go over and punch him in the face,
I am not stifling his free speech. I am violently paying him back for his
crude, slanderous insult.

Free speech is curtailed by governmental action, not by individuals acting
sometimes imprudently or illegally. The right to free speech is not
absolute and is rightfully and hopefully judiciously curtailed by legal
instruments enforced by the state, hate speech being the best example of
properly restricted expression which does not deserve the protection of
constitutional imprimatur.

Individuals may not feel the state has done its job and either challenge within
the legal framework the perceived oversight, or take matters into their own
hands. The deplorable killing of the journalists of Charlie Hebdo is a
heinous example of  extralegal overreaction __ of violently taking
matters into ones own hands.

I don't condone violence. But whether I condone it or not is irrelevant. 
Ugly shit has been happening for thousands of years. A lot of people oppose
it and it keeps going on. Some of it is sponsored and promoted by the
very state that we depend on to maintain some sanity in society and the
world at large. Humans are a very violent species, the only one to
inflict pain and death on its own purely for amusement and pleasure.

But with the latest relatively minor incident in Paris __ I contrast the handful
of deaths there with the tens of thousands the enlightened West inflicts
on other countries as a matter of policy, day after day, month after
month, year after year __ we see the epic confrontation between two vast
cultures shaping up. 

Isn't that just what theywanted? __ a "good reason" for the world to erupt in 
total war. Iraq, Iran, Syria, Yemen, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Libya, North Korea, 
Ukraine, Russia, and China aren't quite enough kindle to get the conflagration
going. But now, yes NOW we've got some serious shit going down! NOW
we've got millions of people in the streets doing the dirty work that
our presstitute media and propaganda machines couldn't quite get right.
Finally, the people will demand total war!

The mob has spoken.

Long live the mob!

[ This originated at the author's personal web site . . . ]

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year!

1st Verse:
It’s a very special time of year
Family and friends holiday cheer
For those no longer with us
We shed a tear
A time to share
A time of feast
A time to care
And pray for peace
A time to give to those
Who have the least

Merry Christmas
Happy Hanukkah
Peace be with us
Happy New Year

2nd Verse:
This is the time to start anew
Atheist Christian Muslim Jew
To reach within
And find the love inside of you
Discard the old seek out the new
Reject the false embrace the true
To look ahead decide
To bring out the best in you

Merry Christmas
Happy Hanukkah
Peace be with us
Happy New Year

Peace be with you
Happy New Year

Merry Christmas
Happy Hanukkah
Peace be with you
Happy New Year

© Copyright 2014 - Words and music by John Rachel
Dancing Needles Music - ASCAP (All rights reserved.)

[ This originated at the author's personal web site . . . ]