Wednesday, November 23, 2016

War On Terror = More Terrorism and More War = More Terrorism and More War = . . .

We can talk and talk, cite all sorts of statistics, construct marvelous narratives, collect anecdotes, offer incisive and powerful analysis.  But sometimes a few charts says it far better than any amount of verbiage.

Look at these and you tell me how the War On Terror is going.  See if you see the same obvious connection between America's military intervention and geopolitical meddling and the growing threat of terrorism.

I remember a truly idiotic joke from my youth.  Pathetically it seems relevant here.

"Why do you keep hitting yourself on the head with that hammer?"

"Because it feels so good when I stop!"

When are we going to stop, ladies and gentlemen?


I've offered an extreme remedy to this madness.

It's one that is so wild and completely outside-the-box, it actually makes sense.

Or maybe we should keep pounding ourselves on the head with a hammer.

Let's really go for it.  You can borrow mine . . .


[ This originated at the author's personal website . . . ]

War On Terror = More Terrorism and More War = More Terrorism and More War = . . .

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Success Story! Black Man Beats The Odds


With the nation so divided along the lines of both class and race, driven to the streets to protest the election to the presidency of a rancorous bigot and self-serving sociopath, it's heartening to see any African-American rise up over the historically endemic racism which used to have him hanging at the end of a rope, and even now conspires to keep most of his brothers and sisters in both physical and psychological gulags. 

The phrase 'systemic racism' was at least uttered once in passing -- that I know of -- by the white patriarchy's candidate of choice, Hillary Clinton, during the presidential campaign.  This was heralded as a real breakthrough in our national conversation about race. I guess that means that by today's standards, Hillary Clinton now sits next to Rosa Parks in the tortured struggle for human rights.

Even with the bar set so low, we are prompted seek out sources of inspiration and hope.  As luck would have it, we have one such success story right at our fingertips!

Just look at these photos of the opulent $5.3 million mansion President Obama will move his family into after Donald Trump takes the oath of office.


Granted, not every African-American was so favored during Obama's presidency.

Some of those left out of this historic uptick in the fortunes of our very first black president included Trayvon Martin, Tamir Rice, Michael Brown, and Eric Garner.  They were among thousands of blacks -- mostly males and often unarmed -- gunned downed by police across America during Obama's reign.

And the people over at Black Lives Matter still seem to be having some sort of hissy fit!  You'd think they could just put aside whatever is bothering them and vicariously enjoy the new digs Barak, Michelle, and the kids will be moving into in January.  Not to mention the million-dollar book deals, the courtesy vacation junkets all over the globe, and of course, the $200,000 speaking fees that the ex-Prez can expect to pull in, to keep the family outfitted in Autographed Nike Air Jordans.

Then you have Jeffrey Sterling, the whistleblower who was prosecuted on dubious grounds for testifying to Congress, then allegedly providing classified material to journalist James Risen about a dicey covert CIA operation gone awry.  Apparently now federal jailers are trying to kill him by depriving him of much-needed medical care.

The 23% of African Americans who still live below the official poverty line didn't do so well either.  Plus it appears the gravy train just sped right on by the 20% of black folks who are still unemployed, despite putting their best foot forward in an effort to take advantage of the widely touted economic recovery from the 2008 crash, which trashed their savings, and put many of them out on the street to live among the rats.

Jeez, Louise!

Can't all these folks stop grousing and just bask in some black dude trickle-down success?

What's wrong with everyone?

[ This originated at the author's personal website . . . ]

Success Story! Black Man Beats The Odds

Monday, November 14, 2016

Wrong But Right


In a previous blog, I said that the election was fixed and that Hillary Clinton would be installed as the choice of the oligarchs to lead our country to ruin.

I was half right.

The election indeed was rigged, but apparently the decision was to award the presidency to Trump.

Hillary Clinton had the support of Wall Street, the banks, the military-industrial complex, the media, major corporations, had received endorsements and huge contributions from conservatives across the spectrum.  Yet in the end she was dumped in favor of a man with no political experience, no identifiable qualifications for the presidency, a dicey reputation, and a checkered track record even as a businessman, allegedly his area of expertise.

I can't be sure exactly what motivated this change of heart, but I'm presuming that the oligarchs decided that as wild a card as Trump might be, they should stay the course in consolidating their power within the Republican Party.

And have they ever!

The Republicans own the White House, both chambers of Congress, most governorships, and the majority of state legislatures.

Now . . .

What evidence is there that the election was rigged?

It's not easy to establish and wouldn't hold up in a court of law.  There are no paper trails for many voting machines.  All I can pass along is the evidence of an excellent researcher who has been sounding the alarm about election fraud for many years, Jonathan Simon.  The evidence he offers is very convincing, if not conclusive.

Look at the discrepancies -- some huge and occurring decisively in all swing state contests -- between the exit polls and voter tallies Jonathan Simon has tabulated.

For the presidential race . . .

cr_presidentialWhite Spacer_10 px 
For the senate races . . .

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I'm not going to play the guessing game about the Trump presidency.  Let everyone else waste their time with colorful or outrageous predictions about the unraveling of America.

What we don't have to guess about is who is truly running things in our country -- it's not the everyday citizens as democracy is now completely dead -- and where we'll be heading for the foreseeable future.

Why do the dice pictured at the head of this piece always come up twelve?

That's how many months out of the year we'll be getting screwed.

[ This originated at the author's personal website . . . ]

Wrong But Right

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Dat bitch is my favorite ‘ho!

White Spacer_10 px 
I've been so far off the mark.

But I'm willing to admit when I'm wrong.

Until I watched the video shown below, I didn't appreciate the incredible contrast between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton when it came to women.

As we all know from all of the news reports, exposĂ©s, damning anecdotes, salacious videos, law suits, personal testimonies, affidavits, well-researched and documented media reports, Donald Trump is a misogynistic, chauvinistic, groping pig.  He's probably a rapist as well.  He and Vladimir probably go club-hopping hitting on women, use them as sex toys, then callously discard them when their libido has run its course.  This as a last resort, when they are unsuccessful at kidnapping middle school girls trying to make it home, following hours of hard work at a local Russian Orthodox church Bible study class.

By contrast, I now see, Hillary Clinton stands for the highest standards of decency, equal opportunity and esteem for women both in the work place and in public spaces.  Hillary has built her presidential campaign and much of her inspiring career around working for an America where women are treated with respect and civility, never wavering in her commitment to caring and sensitivity, selflessly holding herself up as a role model.

The crucial thing is that Hillary never compromises for convenience or advantage.

And the voters love her for it!

Just look at how the crowd goes wild at this campaign concert in Cleveland, featuring performances by Jay Z and Beyoncé.

As Hillary gratefully announces from the stage:  "This is what America is, my friends!"

I love the way the crowd sings along.  Some of my favorite truly inspiring lines . . .

Hey! You little stupid ass bitch, I ain’t fuckin’ with you
You little, you little dumb ass bitch

One time for my LA sisters,
One time for my LA hoes  Lame niggas can’t tell the difference
One time for a nigga who know

Anybody is a killer, all you gotta do is push ‘em to the limps
Fuck being timid in the Civic
Politicin’ with the pushers and the pimps
I’m trine write a story, can I get a glimpse?

I tell a bad bitch do whatever I say
My block behind me like I’m coming out the driveway

She tryna get me that poo tang
I might let my crew bang

Middle finger to the law
Nigga gripping by balls
All the ladies they love me
From the bleachers they screaming

How can you improve on that, eh?

hillary_so-amazingly-great-and-humbleWhite Spacer_10 px 
Of course, this reflects the new political/social consciousness, where spectacle and politics are conflated, and even the world-shaping decisions and personal responsibility of voting are swirled together with entertainment and celebrity worship into a thick fog of posturing and over-the-top extravaganza, puerile pageantry, empty feel-good rhetoric, requiring no real principled commitments, vision, consistency, common decency or common sense. 

I can see now why they call them political "parties".  Yo, nigga!

Recall that I already voted for Jill Stein, via an absentee ballot.

Somehow I still feel real good about that.

To paraphrase some of Hillary's supporters . . .

Dat bitch is my favorite 'ho!

[ This originated at the author's personal website . . . ]

Dat bitch is my favorite ‘ho!

Saturday, November 5, 2016

The fix is in … Hillary will win … vote for Jill Stein!


I've finally emerged from my naive stupor and faced the facts.

Hillary Clinton will be installed as the next POTUS, regardless of how many people do or do not vote for her.

To the extent that I see the insulting choice between the Queen of Chaos and the King of the Racist Rant as somehow pivotal, I have been subconsciously mulling this diabolical verity for some time now. 

What finally cracked the edifice of my willful denial was a highly insightful interview of Julian Assange by the award-winning Australian journalist and film maker, John Pilger.  Please take the time to watch this.

Assange discusses the incriminating emails he has dumped into the public sphere, denies that Russia had anything to do with providing them, highlights Hillary Clinton's criminal use of the Clinton Foundation for influence peddling and her demented plan to establish herself as the go-to candidate for the presidency by destroying Libya and attacking Syria, Wikileaks' role in exposing systemic corruption wherever it occurs, the U.S. defying the UN and ignoring international law, rendering him a fugitive in the Ecuadoran Embassy.

Assange as always is brilliant.  He claims Hillary's victory is predetermined, a foregone conclusion.  History and the facts are on his side.  Think George W. Bush in 2000. 

What will happen after Clinton's coronation in January is anyone's guess.  All informed predictions portend the worst.

The world is heading for war.  No one I know seems to have any clue how that decision is made and who makes it.  But the writing is on the wall.  The military build-ups in Europe and Asia, the constant vilification of Russia and intimidation of China, the hysterical and thoroughly unfounded clamoring about the necessity to stop the aggressive actions of Putin -- though no evidence is presented because no real evidence is available -- all paint the same hideous portrait of apocalyptic violence and unprecedented carnage.

World War III.

Why?  Why must it again come to this?  Because . . .

It's time.

And Hillary Clinton is the perfect minion to inflict this upon the world.

The preparations are being made as I write this, while the mesmerized masses either can't wait to get to the polls because they've already made their decision, or ponder the weighty choice between a sociopathic narcissist and a criminally insane warmonger.

As if it made a difference.

So . . .

Vote for Jill Stein.

You have nothing to lose.
It won't change the results of the election.

As I've said, the fix is in.  The power brokers, the investment banks, Wall Street, the media, the transnational corporations, the security agencies (except for some rebels in the FBI), the .01%, the oligarchs, have made their choice.  The polls have been fixed around that choice, as will be the final results of the election.

Why Jill Stein?

If the programming of the voting machines hasn't completely removed any possibility of her getting sufficient voter support, and the Green Party manages 5% of the popular vote, it will qualify for federal matching funds in the next election.

If there is a next election.

Am I being pessimistic?

Of course not.  There is hope!  The Loch Ness Monster might come out of hiding, and lead humankind to a new spiritual rebirth.  Or in an unexpected turn of events, Sasquatch will win the presidency on a write-in ballot, then require all armaments to be melted down and turned into snow shoes.  An extinction-threatening meteor could glide in from outer space and make a soft landing at Dulles Int'l Airport, Jesus Christ, Ghandi, Buddha and Nelson Mandela could emerge healthy and invigorated, take a limo into DC and talk some sense into the lunatics running our country.

Or . . . or . . .

[ This originated at the author's personal website . . . ]

The fix is in … Hillary will win … vote for Jill Stein!