Just watching the two major-party conventions and seeing people now excitedly lining up on one side or the other like opposing Ninja turtle teams is both amusing and frightening. We can count on the talking heads and modern media to regurgitate a story line familiar to devotees of Saturday morning cartoon shows to give substance to our political aspirations. Unfortunately, the narrative is insultingly simple-minded and mostly a distraction.
With the nation divided into red and blue states, the news robots now have the solemn and putatively critical duty to keep us up to date on any shifting of allegiances and rebalancing of the color scheme, milking any incremental addition of a splotch of blue or dash of red for whatever drama they can generate, before cutting to a commercial break.
What has this got to do with the mounting crises we find ourselves in?
Here is a short list of profound challenges confronting the world:
- Potential for nuclear war and the annihilation of the planet.
- Climate change.
- Resource depletion.
- Desertification of shrinking tracts of farm land.
- Diminishing fresh water supplies.
- Acidification of the oceans and overfishing.
- Antibiotic-resistant diseases.
- Accelerating species extinction.
- Human trafficking and enslavement.
- Destruction of democracy and rule by an oligarchy.
- Historical levels of wealth inequality.
- Loss of privacy and basic constitutional rights to the surveillance state.
- Corporate tyranny and plutocratic control of the economy.
- Almost 50% of Americans living in or close to poverty.
- As many as 29,000,000 still without health insurance.
- Rampant social and systemic racism.
- Crumbling of infrastructure and crippling of our social institutions.
- Militarization of society and seizure of power by the military-industrial complex.
- Police brutality and murder of innocent citizens.
Everything comes back to what we as a people do to reverse this disastrous course.
Isn't it time to put away the gang colors and actually begin to solve some problems?
Is it possible? I don't know.
I do know it's absolutely necessary.
Our survival as a country and even as a species depends on it.
[ This originated at the author's personal website . . . http://jdrachel.com ]
What Red State vs. Blue State Looks Like To An Ant